Alias Dimensions

Aliases are alternate names, descriptions, languages, or other items that help to define dimensions.

For example, you may refer to a customer number in the system, but you can assign an alias that displays the company name on the screen, to make it easier to identify that client. You can assign one or more aliases to accounts, currencies, entities, scenarios, periods, versions, years, and user-defined dimension members.


Duplicate member names or aliases are not allowed within the same dimension.

Aliases may be cloned if a particular dimension is cloned in Oracle Essbase.

To view Aliases:

  1. From the application, select any screen that uses the Common Member Selector, for example, Driver Selections, Assignments, Data Entry, or Trace Allocations. The appropriate screen with Common Member Selector is displayed, showing all available members.
  2. In the Common Member Selector, click the Context Menu button Context Menu Button, and select Show Alias.

    Aliases are displayed in the list of members.


    If you select Show Alias from the Context Menu, and no alias is assigned, the member name is displayed within square brackets. For example, the member name Product is displayed as [Product]