Creating Applications with Dimensions from an Essbase Master Cube

You can create an application in the Profitability Applications Console using dimensions from an Essbase Master Cube.

  1. From Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, select Navigate, then Administer, and then Profitability Applications.
  2. Select Actions, and then New.
    The New Application dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-2 The New Application Dialog Box in the Profitability Applications Console

    The New Application window has a variety of edit boxes, described in later paragraphs.
  3. In the New Application dialog box, enter the following information, and then click Next:
    • Application Name

    • Optional: Description of the application

    • Select the Instance Name from the drop-down list

    • The address of the Web Server is displayed

    • The Essbase Application Server for the application

    • The Shared Services Project for the application

    • The application type; Management Ledger is the default but Standard Profitability and Detail Profitability are also available

    • The Dimension Source; Master Cube is the default

  4. Select Master Cube as the Dimension Source, select the name of the Oracle Essbase Master Cube to provide dimensions, and then select dimensions to include in the application.
  5. Click Finish.

    When you click Finish with Master Cube as the Dimension Source, the following actions are initiated:

    • A new task flow begins to create the new application. Results can be viewed on the Job Library tab, Job Library icon.

    • Dimensions in the source Essbase database are validated. If there are validation issues, the task flow ends and an error message appears on the Job Library tab. Click the error link for details. Fix any validation errors, and repeat the steps to create the new application.


      As you work, click Refresh on the Job Library tab and then the Applications tab when the job is successful.

      After the validation is complete, the new application is added to the Applications tab with Deploy Origin of Master Cube.