Exporting Templates

Template files are created by exporting an entire Management Ledger application — including application metadata, dimension metadata, and program artifacts — in a single operation to create one application "template" file. Exporting and importing template files is useful for backing up applications or migrating them to another environment, from test to production, for example.

To export a template file:

  1. Display the Profitability Applications Console and select a Management Ledger application.
  2. Select Actions, and then Export Template.
  3. Review the file name and change it if you want. Extension .zip is added to exported template files.
  4. If POV data are displayed, select whether to export all POV data or clear checkboxes for data that shouldn't be exported.
  5. Optional: Check Include Input Data to export the input data. When checked, input data for all selected POVs is exported.
  6. Click OK to start the export.

    The file is created in an import_export folder on the server. Note that this folder is the same one used for LCM (lifecycle management), such as <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/user_projects/epmsystem1/import_export.

  7. You can click the Job Library tab, Job Library icon, and then Refresh to check export status.

Once created, a template file can be imported to create a new Management Ledger application as described in Creating Management Ledger Applications by Importing Template Files.