Generating Statistics for a Detailed Profitability Application

The Detailed Application Model Calculation Statistics script can be used with Detailed Profitability applications to generate model and model calculation statistics that can be useful in understanding and debugging your model.

The script creates a table within the Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management Product Schema and stores statistics useful for troubleshooting model calculated results problems, for describing the shape and characteristics of the model, and for evaluating model calculation performance.

The dpmodelcalcstats.sql script is located within


after the patch has been installed. It is currently only available for Oracle database installations.

The script is designed to be open and to run within SQL Developer.

To generate statistics for the requested application:

  1. Open dpmodelcalcstats.sql within Oracle SQL Developer.
  2. Select the connection for the Oracle Fusion Performance Management Product Schema.
  3. Move the cursor to the first line of the script.
  4. Click on Run Script or press the F5 key.
  5. Enter the name of the application where model calculation statistics are requested.

The script creates a table within the product schema using the following naming convention:

HPMD_<Application Name>_DIAGSTAT_<Unique Number>

A short description of the columns within the HPMD_BksDP20_DIAGSTAT_4129 table:

APPLICATION: The name of the application.

ITEM: A short description of the content within the row.

RATIO_DRV_TOT: The total number of items related to all of the Ratio-based drivers.

RATE_DRV_TOT: The total number of items related to all of the Rate-based drivers.

OBJC_DRV_TOT: The total number of items related to all of the Object Calculation drivers.

TOTAL: The total number of items related to all of the assignment.

NAME: The name of the artifact or object related to the item.

These types of diagnostic statistic items are included within the table:

Allocation Table: The name of the allocation table with all of the assignment details for the specified application. If the count is greater than 1, then results are likely incorrect because clear calculations has not been run.

Number of Assignments: The number of assignments identified within the model for the specified application.

No of source Nodes: The number of source nodes (intersections) identified within the model.

Number of Assignments with Data: The number of assignments where one or more rows within the source stage business object match a potential source node.

Number of row updates: The total number of rows altered by the update statements performed for all of the assignments.

Number of Assignment Rules: The number of assignment rule artifacts defined within the model with at least one assignment referencing the assignment rule.

Number of Drivers: The number of driver artifacts defined within the model with at least one assignment referencing the driver.

Maximum Destination Row Count: The maximum number of rows updated within the destination by an assignment.

Median Destination Row Count: The median number of rows updated within the destination by an assignment. Standard

Deviation of Destination Row Count: The standard deviation for rows updated within the destination by an assignment.

Driver Count: There is one driver count item per driver referenced by at least one assignment. The item includes name of the driver artifact and the number of times referenced by an assignment.

Assignment Rule Count: There is one assignment rule count item per assignment rule referenced by at least one assignment. The item includes name of the assignment rule artifact and the number of times referenced by an assignment.