The HPM_EXP_DRIVER_SEL view retrieves information about Driver Selection - Rules defined within the model for all applications.


Field SQL Server Data Type Oracle Data Type Description
application_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the application
id identity integer(38,0) Unique record ID
pov_dim1_member_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the first dimension member in the selected point of view.
pov_dim2_member_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the second dimension member in the point of view, if applicable.
pov_dim3_member_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the third dimension member in the point of view, if applicable.
pov_dim4_member_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the fourth dimension member in the point of view, if applicable.
driver_dim_member_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the driver dimension member
layer_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the selected layer for the point of view:
  • Cost Revenue

  • Revenue

src_stage_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the model stage for the selected point of view.
driver_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Name of the driver for the selected driver dimension member.