This table stores the custom pre- and post-calculation scripts. Each row with the table contains one or more SQL statements that can be executed during a stage model.


Do not enter the script directly into the HPM_SQL_SCRIPT. See Creating Custom Scripts.


Column Data Type Nullable Description
NAME Varchar2 (80) No Name of the custom script
APPLICATION_NAME Varchar2 (8) No Name of the application for which this custom script has been created
MODEL_POV_NAME Varchar2 (80) Yes The selected POV is displayed in the format, "Year":"2012", "Period":"January", "Scenario":"Actual".

Note: If this column is set to NULL, the script can be used for any Model POV.

If a specific POV is selected, the script can only be used for that POV.

SCRIPT_TYPE Varchar2 (80) Yes Select the appropriate script type:
  • PRE (displays Pre-Script)

  • POST (displays Post-Script)

  • EITHER of (displays Either Pre-Script or Post-Script)

  • If no script type is specified, EITHER is assumed.

DESCRIPTION Varchar2 (255) Yes Enter a description of the purpose or contents of the script
SCRIPT LONG No Enter the custom script here.

See Creating Custom Scripts for instructions on creating the script.