The HPM_STG_ASGN_RULE_SEL table stores details about the source stage and dimension members for a rule controlling the assignments for the selected stage.






Field SQL Server Data Type Oracle Data Type Required Description
id identity integer(38,0) Yes Unique record ID
pov_dim1_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the first dimension member in the selected point of view.
pov_dim2_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the second dimension member in the point of view, if applicable.
pov_dim3_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the third dimension member in the point of view, if applicable.
pov_dim4_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the fourth dimension member in the point of view, if applicable.
layer_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the selected layer for the point of view:
  • Cost Revenue

  • Revenue

Note: Either the Cost or the Revenue is required.

src_stage_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the source stage for the assignment rule selection.
src_dim1_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the first dimension member in the source stage.
src_dim2_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes, if the source stage has the appropriate dimension. Name of the second dimension member in the source stage, if available.
src_dim3_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes, if the source stage has the appropriate dimension. Name of the third dimension member in the source stage, if available.
rule_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the rule controlling the selected assignment. The rule must be present in the target database.
last_upload_date timestamp (6) timestamp (6)   Date of the last import.
import_exception nvarchar (255) varchar2 (255 CHAR)   Message detailing errors that occurred during the import of this table.
created_timestamp timestamp (6) timestamp (6) Populated by the import program upon update. The date and time of the last import.
created_userid nvarchar (32) varchar2 (32 CHAR) Populated by the import program upon update. ID of the user who initiated the last import.
modified_userid nvarchar (32) varchar2 (32 CHAR) Populated by the import program upon update. ID of the user who initiated the reimport.
modified_timestamp timestamp (6) timestamp (6) Populated by the import program upon update. The date and time of the reimport.