The HPM_STGD_CALCRULE_SNGLSRC table provides details about creating or updating a single source calculation rule.


Field SQL Server Data Type Oracle Data Type Required Description
id identity NUMBER(38,0) Yes Unique identifier for each row. This can come from any sequence generator.
name nvarchar (80) VARCHAR2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the calculation rule.
description nvarchar (255) varchar2(255 CHAR)   Long description of the calculation rule.
pov_dim1_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the first dimension member in the selected POV
pov_dim2_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the second dimension member in the selected POV
pov_dim3_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the third dimension member in the selected POV
pov_dim4_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the fourth dimension member in the selected POV
calculation_sequence identity NUMBER(4,0) Yes Numeric value designating the relative order in which the calculation rule will be processed during calculation. This must be > 0 or you will get a check constraint error during insert.
tag nvarchar (255) VARCHAR2(255)   Specify search tags for the calculation rule in this column.
enabled_flag nvarchar (1) VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) Yes  
first_sequence_priority identity NUMBER(38,0) Yes Designates the first driver sequence priority in the range of drivers to be executed for this rule. This must be > 0 or you will get a check constraint error during insert.
last_sequence_priority identity NUMBER(38,0) Yes Designates the last driver sequence priority in the range of drivers to be executed for this rule. This must be equal to or greater than first_sequence_priority or you will get a check constraint error during insert.
all_drivers_flag nvarchar (1) VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) Yes When Y ignore values in the First Sequence and Last Sequence priority fields during calculation.
last_upload_date timestamp timestamp   This column will be populated by the import showing the most recent date that the import was performed.
import_exception nvarchar (255) varchar2(255 CHAR) . Contains the error code indicating if there was a problem with the import of the row. Null means the import was successful.
created_userid nvarchar (32) varchar2(32 CHAR)   Identifies the user who originally created the row in this table. This is not used by Profitability and Cost Management.
created_timestamp timestamp (6) timestamp   Identifies the date/time on which the row was originally created. This is not used by Profitability and Cost Management.
modified_userid nvarchar (32) varchar2(32 CHAR)   Identifies the user who last modified the row in this table. This is not used by Profitability and Cost Management.
modified_timestamp timestamp (6) timestamp   Identifies the date/time on which the row was last changed. This is not used by Profitability and Cost Management.