Model Data Schema Table Grants to the Product Schema

To view database objects from the Model Data Schema within Model Data Registration, you must first grant table privileges to the Profitability and Cost Management Product Schema.

Grant the privileges for each table type as shown on the table below:

Table 12-1 Privileges Granted for Each Table Type

Table Type Privileges
Source Stage Table either Horizontal or Vertical GRANT SELECT ON <table_name or view_name> TO <hpm_product_schema> WITH GRANT OPTION
Destination Stage Table GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON <table_name or view_name> TO <hpm_product_schema>
All types of Lookup Tables GRANT SELECT ON <table_name or view_name> TO <hpm_product_schema>


For Oracle database, you must grant EXECUTE privilege on dbms_stats. By default, this privilege is granted to Public. If your organization has restricted the collection of statistics and has revoked this privilege from public, then you must grant it to the product schema.

After deploying the application, you must register the tables in the Model Data Schema for use in your Detailed Profitability application.

You map their columns to the dimensions and measures that you defined in the Profitability Applications Console. For information on Detailed Profitability dimensions, see Working with Detailed Profitability and Cost Management Dimensions and Metadata.