The HPM_STGD_DRIVER_SEL table provides details about the POV and source stage driver dimension member for selected driver rules.


Field SQL Server Data Type Oracle Data Type Required Description
id identity integer(38,0) Yes Unique record ID
pov_dim1_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the first dimension member in the selected POV
pov_dim2_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the second dimension member in the selected POV, if applicable
pov_dim3_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the third dimension member in the selected POV, if applicable
pov_dim4_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR)   Name of the fourth dimension member in the selected POV, if applicable
driver_dim_member_ name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the selected driver dimension member
driver_name nvarchar (80) varchar2(80 CHAR) Yes Name of the selected driver
last_upload_date timestamp (6) timestamp (6)   The date and time of the last import
import_exception nvarchar (255) varchar2(255 CHAR)   Message detailing errors that occurred during the import of this table.
created_userid nvarchar (32) varchar2(32 CHAR) Populated by the import program upon update The ID of the user who initiated the last import
created_timestamp timestamp (6) timestamp (6)   The date and time of the last import
modified_userid nvarchar (32) varchar2(32 CHAR) Populated by the import program upon update The ID of the user who modified the last import
modified_timestamp timestamp (6) timestamp (6)   The date and time of the modified import