Security Roles for Detailed Profitability

Table 2-2 Detailed Profitability and Cost Management Security Roles

Security Role Description
Administrator (admin); Type of role = Administrator
  • Set up and maintain application preferences

  • Build the model database using the Profitability Applications Console

  • Create and deploy reporting views to the relational database

  • Create, Read (View), Update and Delete the following functions:

    • Stages

    • Drivers

    • POVs

    • Driver Associations

    • Assignments

    • Application Preferences

    • Calculation Rules

    • Jobs Library and Status

    • Table Registration

  • Perform the following tasks:

    • POV Copy

    • Validate

    • Deploy

    • Calculate

    • Stop Jobs

  • Use the Lifecycle Management Utility to promote data from one environment, such as development or testing, to another environment, such as production.

  • Import and export data

  • Back up and restore Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management model components.

  • Monitor changes made to business objects.

  • Deploy, update, and replace Essbase reporting databases, and transfer data.


    The Profitability and Cost Management Administrator must also be assigned Oracle Essbase access rights to perform Essbase ASO deployment.

Power User; Type of role = Power
  • Create and maintain user accounts and security roles, and provision users, using Oracle Hyperion Shared Services

  • Create and deploy reporting views to the relational database

  • Create, Read (View), Update and Delete the following functions:

    • Stages

    • Drivers

    • POVs

    • Driver Associations

    • Assignments

    • Application Preferences

    • Calculation Rules

    • Jobs Library and Status

    • Table Registration

  • Perform the following tasks:

    • POV Copy

    • Validate

    • Calculate

    • Stop Jobs

    • Deploy, update, and replace Essbase Reporting databases, and transfer data.

    • Deploy


      The Profitability and Cost Management Power User must also be assigned Essbase access rights such as Create Application and Application Manager to input data into Essbase and perform Essbase ASO deployment.


The Power User does not necessarily require specific security roles to perform tasks. For example, if a Power User runs a calculation from the Calculate screen, this action creates and executes a taskflow behind the scenes. The Power User does not require the manage Taskflow role to perform this task, unless the Power User wants to access this task directly from the Manage Taskflow task.

Interactive User; Type of role = Interactive

View (Read) the following functions:

  • Stages

  • Drivers

  • POVs

  • Driver Association

  • Assignments

  • Application Preferences

  • Calculation Rules

  • Jobs Library and Status

  • Table Registration

View User; Type of role = Interactive

View (Read) the following functions:

  • Stages

  • Drivers

  • POVs

  • Driver Association

  • Assignments

  • Application Preferences

  • Jobs Library and Status

  • Table Registration

Manage Taskflows; Type of role = Shared Services Role Required to create and edit taskflows.

For more information, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Run Taskflows; Type of role = Shared Services Role Required to enable users to only run and view taskflows. Users with this role cannot create or edit taskflows.

For more information, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.