3 Accessing Sample Models

A sample application is available in the product installation which is used for testing and self-led exploration of functional areas. The sample application includes a small data set and a fully built out model that illustrates various uses of drivers, assignments, and assignment rules.

Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management extracts and data files are provided to support importing the model metadata, allocation artifacts, and cost and driver data. Oracle Essbase .otl files are also included as an alternative to the Lifecycle Management extracts. These files are used to create Essbase dimension master cubes to use with the new Application Manager feature to create the sample applications. See the Oracle Fusion Performance Management Sample Models Readme file for details on how to use these files.

You can find the Performance Management Sample Models Readme.docx file at this location:


You can find the appropriate sample application files in the following locations:

  • For Management Ledger Profitability models:



    For your convenience in setting up the Management Ledger sample model, flat files are provided for each dimension in the model. To load them and build the model, see Appendix B of the Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management Administrator's Guide.

  • For Detailed Profitability models:



    The Detailed Profitability sample model is large, and it may take up to an hour to calculate.