Deleting Management Ledger POVs and All Artifacts


When a POV is deleted, all objects within that POV are deleted, including the associated assignments and driver selections. Oracle recommends that, before deleting a POV, you create a backup directory of the databases in Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace and Oracle Essbase. Contact the administrator for assistance, if required.

To erase data in Essbase, before deleting the POV, perform the "Clear All" function for the selected POV. See Clearing Selected Artifacts from Management Ledger POVs.

To delete POVs and their associated artifacts (such as rules and rule sets):

  1. Ensure that no other users require the POV and its contents.
  2. Optional: To erase data in Essbase, select Clear All data as described in Clearing Selected Artifacts from Management Ledger POVs.
  3. In an open model, from Task Areas, select Manage Model, then Points of View Manager (Figure 9-3).
  4. Select the POV to delete.
  5. Select Actions, and then Delete Point of View, Delete Point of View icon.

    The Delete Point of View dialog box displays POV dimensions for the selected POV.

  6. Click OK to delete the POV.

    The POV is removed from the list and is no longer available for selection.