Adding a Single Driver to Multiple Source Stage Rules

Use the Bulk Editor to add a single driver to multiple Source Stage Rules.

To add driver selections through Bulk Edit:

  1. From Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, select Navigate, then Applications, then Profitability, and then select the application that you want to view.
  2. In an open model, from Task Areas, select Manage Allocations, and then Driver Selections.
  3. Select the Exceptions tab.

    Select the Exceptions tab to access the Bulk Editor.
  4. Click Open Bulk Editor Bulk Editor icon.

    In Comment, enter a name for the edit, and select the Edit Type.
  5. Optional: On Select Edit Type, under Comment, enter a descriptive name for the Bulk Edit. This name is displayed for the selected bulk edit task on the Job Library screen.
  6. Under Edit Type, select Add Drivers, and then click Next.

    Select the sources to be added for the new drivers.
  7. On Select Sources, from Available Source Rules, select the Source Stage Assignment Rules to which you want to apply the selected driver, and then use the arrow keys to move them to the Selected Source Rules column.
  8. Optional: Click Information Information icon to view the description of the selected stage rule.
  9. Click Next.

    Select the Driver for the Bulk Edit.
  10. On Define Edit, under Available Drivers, select the name of the driver to be associated with the bulk edit. Only one driver can be selected.
  11. Use the arrow keys to move the selected driver to Selected Driver, and then click Next.

    The Bulk Edit Summary screen is displayed:

    • Under For These Sources, the selected sources to which the selected driver will be applied are displayed.

    • Under Add This Driver, the driver that will be applied to the selected sources is displayed.

    The Summary screen of the Bulk Editor displays the selected sources to which the driver will be applied.
  12. Click Finish.

    The sources defined by the selected source rules are updated with the selected driver.

  13. Optional: To view the results of the bulk update, generate a report for the database.