Using Filters

Filters are available to refine long lists of members to present only those that meet the filter criteria. The Filter is available on screens that require selections from multiple options, such as Driver Selections, Assignments, Data Entry, and so on.

  • When entering a search value in a filter, enter the entire string if the filters are Attribute-based or UDA-based.

  • If you require a wildcard at the beginning of a filter, only question marks can be used, as in "?ac".

  • Trailing wildcard symbols, such as asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are supported in assignment rule name and alias filters. For example, enter "B*"to filter members having names or aliases beginning with the letter "B".


    You cannot use an asterisk at the beginning or within a filter for assignment rules, such as "*B" or "B*a".

Using the Filter dialog box, you build the filter in this format:

<Member Name> <Operation> <Value> <Condition>

If the filter contains more than one statement, the Condition appends additional statements using an AND or OR condition. Brackets for each statement are automatically inserted, and the filters are resolved from left to right.

To filter dimensions and members:

  1. Click Member Selector Context Menu icon.
  2. On the Filter drop-down list, select Show Grid.

    The list is changed to a grid format, and the Filter option is activated.

  3. On the Filter drop-down list, select Filter Filter Option.

    The Filter dialog box is displayed.

    The Filter dialog box is used to filter dimensions and members.
  4. Under Parameter, click the cell to display the drop-down list of available parameters, and select the parameter to be filtered:
    • Name:

      • Displays Member Name if "Show Name" mode is selected.

      • Displays Alias Name if "Show Alias" mode is selected.


        The Detailed Profitability assignment rule matches only on name or alias depending on the type of filter created. If you create a filter on "Name" it matches members only by their name and if you create a filter on "Alias" it matches members only by their alias.

    • Attribute (Attribute, if available)

    • UDA (User-Defined Attribute, if available)

  5. Under Operation, select the appropriate filter:
    • Is Equal

    • Not Equal


      Both the EQUAL and NOT EQUAL operations are currently supported to filter Names, Aliases and Attributes.

      Only the Is Equal operation is currently supported for UDAs.

      When "Name" is selected as the parameter, matching is performed on both names and aliases.

  6. Under Value, click the cell and select the filter value:
    • For Name, enter the value or text. Matching is performed on both names and aliases.

    • For Attributes or UDA dimensions, select the member from the drop-down list of values for the selected Attribute or UDA dimension.

  7. Optional: If more than one filter statement is to be added, under Condition, select the condition governing the filter:
    • AND

    • OR

  8. Optional: Repeat for each additional filter.
  9. Click OK.

    The filter is applied to display only those members that meet the filter criteria.