Profitability and Cost Management Alias Dimensions

Aliases are alternate names, descriptions, languages, or other items that help to define dimensions.

For example, you may refer to a customer number in the system, but you can assign an alias that displays the company name on the screen, to make it easier to identify that client. You can assign one or more aliases to accounts, currencies, entities, scenarios, periods, versions, years, and user-defined dimension members.

For Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management, the alias must be set in the Profitability Applications Console.

When installation is complete, a "Default" alias table is available. After redeployment, you can view the alias on all screens that use the Common Member Selector, including Driver Selections, Assignments, Data Entry, Driver Exceptions and Trace Allocations. Search and filtering is available when the "Show Alias" option is selected.

If you select Show Alias from the Member Selector, and no alias is assigned, the Display Name is displayed within square brackets in the list of members. For example, the member "Product" would be displayed as [product] in the list of members.

When working with alias dimensions, keep in mind the following points:

  • Duplicate member names or aliases are not allowed.

  • The Alias View is not available on the Select Driver selector, which is accessed when adding or modifying a driver.

  • When when importing a dimension file into a Management Ledger application, if you define an alias table in the header, then you must define alias values for all of the members in the dimension. The alias value does not necessarily have to be different from the original member name, but you do need to specify a value for each alias table on each member row in the file.