Viewing Task Flow Status

In the Task flow Status Summary screen, you can view and update the status of existing task flows.

You can also filter the task flow list to display task flows with a specified status or date range.

A participant ID is created for each generated step in the tas kflow. You can drill-down on an individual task flow to view details of the associated participant summary.

To view task flow status:

  1. In an open model, from Task Areas, select Jobs Status, then Search Process.

    The Task flow Status Summary screen is displayed.

    Task flow Status Summary showing current status of existing task flows.
  2. Select one or more search criteria to locate the task flow you want to view:
    1. Under Status, select a status of the task flow you want to view:
      • Active

      • Done

      • Stopped

      • All

    2. Under Application, select an Application ID.
    3. Under Taskflow, select a Task flow ID.
    4. For Initiated Between, click calendar Calendar Icon , and select a start and end date for the search range.


      Depending on the requirements, you may leave all search fields blank to display all task flows, or make the search as specific as possible to narrow the results.

  3. Click Search.

    The search results are displayed at the bottom of the screen:

    • ID (This is the participant ID, which is automatically generated for the taskflow.)

    • Application ID

    • Task flow ID

    • Initiator of the task flow

    • Time that the task flow began running

    • Current Status of the task flow

    • Description of the task flow

  4. Optional: Click Refresh to update status information.
  5. Optional: To end the currently running step of a multi-step task flow, click the checkbox beside the appropriate task flow, and click Stop.

    The task flow stops when the application returns the results of the selected step. The results for previous steps are not discarded; however, if the task flow is re-run, it begins at the first step.

  6. Optional: To view details of a task flow and its status, double-click the task flow name.

    The Task flow Participant Summary is displayed, showing details of the task and its status.

  7. Click Cancel to return to the Task flow Status Summary.