Working with Calculated Measure Drivers

The calculated measure drivers are custom mathematical calculations that can be applied to calculate values that do not require a source/destination context. The calculated results can be used as a driver value.

Calculated measure drivers deal with the Destination stage only, so you must designate a destination. Based on the driver definition, the values specified in the custom driver formula are posted to the destination in the measure specified within the driver definition.

For example, you can create a custom formula to calculate some of the following sample tasks:

  • Compute the time value of money where all of the parameters exist on the destination object, such as an invoice amount, average days to pay, interest rate, and so on.

  • Compute the extended cost for an invoice line where the unit cost and volume exist on the destination.

  • Compute the standard cost of goods where the unit cost and volume exist on the destination.

See the following procedures: