1 Error Messages

EPMHFM-03878: IC transaction detail only allowed on base entities

Cause: Entity was not base-level, hence IC Transacation detail was not allowed.

Action: User should choose base level Entity.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03927: General error in {HFM_EXCLUDE}HFMICACM{/HFM_EXCLUDE} object.

Cause: Generic error in IC ACM was resulted in operation failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03928: General error in {HFM_EXCLUDE}HFMICM{/HFM_EXCLUDE} object.

Cause: Generic error in ICM was resulted in operation failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03929: General error in {HFM_EXCLUDE}HFMDSICM{/HFM_EXCLUDE} object.

Cause: Generic error in DS ICM was resulted in operation failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1



Cause: Period was closed.

Action: User should open the period to perform the action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03932: Error processing {HFM_EXCLUDE}XML{/HFM_EXCLUDE}

Cause: Processing XML were resulted into failed.

Action: User to check and provide valid XML.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03933: You do not have rights to perform this task.

Cause: User did not had security rights to perform the task.

Action: User should be provided with required security access rights to perform the task.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03934: Period settings cannot be changed due to the match, validate before posting rules.

Cause: Unable to change the period settings because Matched/Validated transactions are not posted.

Action: User to reattempt the scenario, by Posting Match/Validate transactions.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03943: General error in HFMICParamObject

Cause: Generic error in IC Parameter Object was resulted in operation failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03995: Requested intercompany transaction not found in database

Cause: Requested intercompany transaction was not found in database.

Action: Requested Intercompany transaction is not present in the database. Request is to add the required transaction and reattempt the scenario.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03996: Transaction has already been posted

Cause: HFM server could not post the transaction which was already posted.

Action: User need to unpost the transaction before posting already posted transaction.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03997: The specified transaction status must be either matched or mismatched with a reason code

Cause: The specified transaction status was neither matched nor mismatched with a reason code.

Action: User has to match or mismatch the transaction with the reason code.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03998: You are trying to unpost a transaction that is not posted


Action: User needs to post the transaction before unposting.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-03999: Entity must be an Intercompany Entity.

Cause: Entity was not an Intercompany Entity.

Action: User needs to check and set IsICP flag to Y for the Entity.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04000: Account must be an {HFM_EXCLUDE}INPUT{/HFM_EXCLUDE} account

Cause: Account was not an input account.

Action: User needs to make the account as an INPUT Account.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04001: Account must be an Intercompany account

Cause: Account was not an InterCompany Account.

Action: User needs to make the account as an InterCompany Account.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04002: {HFM_EXCLUDE}ICP{/HFM_EXCLUDE} member is not valid for the account

Cause: ICP dimension member was not valid for the account.

Action: User should choose a valid ICP member for the account.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04003: {HFM_EXCLUDE}[ICP None]{/HFM_EXCLUDE} is not allowed

Cause: [ICP None] member is not allowed for this action.

Action: User should choose a an ICP member other than [ICP None].

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04004: Operation was terminated before this transaction could be processed.

Cause: Operation was terminated before this transaction could be processed.

Action: User has to allow transaction to complete porcessing.

Level: 1



Cause: Dimensions View, Value, Period, ICP members were specified for SupportsTran.

Action: User should not specify members for dimensions View, Value, Period, ICP for SupportsTran.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04016: Cell does not support inter-company transaction details

Cause: Cell does not support inter-company transaction details.

Action: User should explicitly make the cell to support inter-company transaction details through rules in Sub Transactions routine.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04017: You cannot un-post a transaction that has not been posted

Cause: The transaction must be posted to unpost.

Action: User needs to post the transaction before unposting.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04018: Transactions cannot be deleted if posted.

Cause: Cannot delete posted transactions.

Action: User should unpost the transaction to delete.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04019: Transactions that are matched cannot be deleted

Cause: Cannot delete matched transactions.

Action: User should unmatch the transaction to delete.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04043: Transactions can only be loaded into the input frequency of the scenario

Cause: Transactions could not be loaded because Period selected doesnot match Scenario's input frequency.

Action: User should choose the period in scenario member's default frequency.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04062: You do not have access rights to the data.

Cause: User does not have required access rights to the data.

Action: Ensure the user has required access rights to access the data.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04081: Period is not open.

Cause: Period was not open.

Action: User needs to open the Period for the required Scenario and Year.

Level: 1



Cause: Member was Invalid.

Action: User to ensure valid member is provided.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04101: Intercompany transactions are locked for the entity

Cause: Intercompany transactions were locked for the Entity.

Action: User has to unlock intercompany transactions for the Entity to proceed.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04102: Data for the entity is locked

Cause: Data for the Entity was locked.

Action: User has to unclock the Entity.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04103: Cells supporting Line Item Details cannot support intercompany transaction details

Cause: Cells supporting Line Item details could not support intercompany transaction details.

Action: User must ensure that cell does not support Line Item details in order to support intercompany transaction details for that cell.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04107: Cell intersection is invalid for intercompany transaction.

Cause: Cell intersection was invalid for Intercompany transactions.

Action: User must choose valid cell intersection for Intercompany transaction.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04112: Can't replace a transaction that is matched or posted

Cause: Could not save or update IC transaction if it was already posted or matched.

Action: You must unpost the transaction to edit.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04134: Clear not allowed if Intercompany transactions have been posted. Scenario, Year, Period, Value: %s, %s, %s, %s

Cause: Clear was not allowed as transactions had been posted.

Action: You must unpost the transaction to clear.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04292: Comment{HFM_EXCLUDE}2{/HFM_EXCLUDE} field exceeds 256 characters

Cause: The user specified COMMENT2 field was too long.

Action: User must ensure that Comment2 field is less than 256 characters.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04293: Comment{HFM_EXCLUDE}1{/HFM_EXCLUDE} field exceeds {HFM_EXCLUDE}256{/HFM_EXCLUDE} characters

Cause: The user specified COMMENT1 field was too long and was logged to file, In ICT load file.

Action: User has to make sure that Comment1 field is within the prescribed limit, as per the error message.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04294: Transaction{HFM_EXCLUDE}ID{/HFM_EXCLUDE} field exceeds {HFM_EXCLUDE}40{/HFM_EXCLUDE} characters

Cause: Transaction ID specified was too long, for IC Transactions.

Action: User has to ensure specified Transaction ID is with in the character limit, as per the error message.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04295: Transaction Sub{HFM_EXCLUDE}ID{/HFM_EXCLUDE} field exceeds {HFM_EXCLUDE}40{/HFM_EXCLUDE} characters

Cause: SUB ID specified was too long for IC transactions.

Action: User has to Ensure that specified SUB ID is with in the character limit, as per the error message.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04296: Transaction Reference {HFM_EXCLUDE}ID{/HFM_EXCLUDE} field exceeds {HFM_EXCLUDE}40{/HFM_EXCLUDE} characters

Cause: Transaction reference ID was too long, for IC transactions.

Action: User has to Ensure that specified transaction reference ID is with in the character limit, as per the error message.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04297: Invalid Transaction date

Cause: Transaction date specified was invalid, for IC transactions

Action: User has to provide valid transaction date.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04300: Invalid Transaction currency

Cause: Transaction currency(TRANSCURR) specified was invalid, for IC transcations

Action: User has to provide valid transaction currency.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04301: Invalid combination of Transaction currency amount, Entity currency amount, and conversion rate.

Cause: Invalid combination of Transaction currency amount, Entity currency amont, and conversion rate, was observed for IC transactions.

Action: User has to provide valid combination of Transaction currency amount, Entity currency amont, and conversion rate.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04325: Error loading Inter-Company reason codes

Cause: Error loading Intercompany reason codes.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04355: There is currently another rules load in progress. Please try again once the load has completed.

Cause: There is currently another rules load in progress.

Action: User has to allow rules to load completely before validating the rule.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04368: There is currently another rules validation in progress. Please try again later.

Cause: There is currently another rules validation in progress.

Action: Another rules validation is in progress. User has to try again later.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04369: VB Script Engine could not be initialized.

Cause: VB script engine failed to initialize, during validation of VB script rules.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04565: Cannot sort a column multiple times.

Cause: For IC Transactions reports, could not sort a column multiple times.

Action: User has to select the column for sort only once.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04744: An unexpected database error occurred. Check event log for details.

Cause: This was an unexpected database error. Examples of problems may be not enough database connections, SQL query was invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04900: Unable to process request. Waiting for an asynchronous task to complete.

Cause: Task was in progress for intercompany transactions.

Action: User has to wait until the intercompany task is completed.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04913: Some of the transactions could not be processed because of Entities that were locked.

Cause: Some of the intercompany transactions were not processed because the process flow state was locked.

Action: User must unlock the Entity to process the intercompany transactions.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04914: Some of the transactions were not processed because the process flow state was incorrect.

Cause: Some of the intercompany transactions were not processed because the process flow state was incorrect.

Action: User must esnure that the process flow state correct in order to process the intercompany transactions.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04915: Some of the transactions were not processed due to insufficient security rights.

Cause: Some of the intercompany transactions were not processed due to insufficient security rights.

Action: User should have the required security access rights in order to process all the transactions.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-04917: There were no transactions to process, possibly due to locked entities, invalid process flow state or insufficient security.

Cause: There were no transactions to process, possibly due to locked Entities, invalid process flow state or insufficient security.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05023: The cell text length is invalid. Please consult your system administrator for the limits on cell text.

Cause: Cell text length exceeds the limit.

Action: User has to provide the celltext within the specified limits. User has to contact system administrator to get the information on the limit of celltext.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05096: The custom document is too large. Reduce the size of the custom document or contact your system administrator.

Cause: The custom document size was too large.

Action: User has to provide the custom document within the specified size limits. User has to contact administrator to get the information on the size of custom document.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05097: Unable to add custom document. Your system administrator has limited the number of custom documents to {HFM_EXCLUDE}%0{/HFM_EXCLUDE}. You currently have {HFM_EXCLUDE}%1{/HFM_EXCLUDE} documents saved for this application.

Cause: Unable to add custom document, system exceeded the maximum number of custom documents supported.

Action: User has to contact system administrator to increase the limit of number of custom documents that can be saved in the application.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05313: The following subcube is locked: the Scenario is: {HFM_EXCLUDE}%0{/HFM_EXCLUDE}, the Year is: {HFM_EXCLUDE}%1{/HFM_EXCLUDE}, the Period is {HFM_EXCLUDE}%2{/HFM_EXCLUDE}, the Entity is: {HFM_EXCLUDE}%3{/HFM_EXCLUDE}, the Parent is: {HFM_EXCLUDE}%4{/HFM_EXCLUDE}, and the Value is: {HFM_EXCLUDE}%5{/HFM_EXCLUDE}.

Cause: Calc status was locked for given Periods.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05430: You must have the Transaction Match Template role to save templates.

Cause: ICT was not in matching template role, to save the template.

Action: User should have the Transaction Match Template role to save templates.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05467: Please select valid single Parent/Entity combination.

Cause: Selected Parent/Entity combination was not valid.

Action: User has to select valid single Parent/Entity combination.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05478: {HFM_EXCLUDE}TransactionID{/HFM_EXCLUDE} field is missing

Cause: Transaction ID Field was missed.

Action: User has to provide Transaction ID field, this field cannot be left blank.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05623: An error occurred in the DME Listener process.

Cause: Failure in DME listener process caused this error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05690: Invalid Transaction ID. Cannot contain ','

Cause: Transaction ID was invalid.

Action: User should Provide valid transaction ID which doesnot contain ','.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05716: Invalid {HFM_EXCLUDE}Extended Analytics{/HFM_EXCLUDE} Template label. Please provide a valid template label.

Cause: Template label was not valid.

Action: User has to provide valid Extended Analytics Template label.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05717: Warning: Unable to update cardinality on RTD table. User may want to manually perform this to improve consolidation times. Contact support regarding steps.

Cause: Could not update cardinality on RTD table.

Action: Contact Oracle support for steps required to update cardinality on RTD table.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05745: Invalid data load option: Thousands character and decimal character cannot be the same.

Cause: Invalid data load option was selected. Thousands and decimal character has to be different.

Action: User must select a different value for thousands and decimal characters in the data load options. They cannot be the same character.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05746: Invalid data load option: Thousands character cannot be the same as the delimiter character.

Cause: Invalid data load option was selected. Thousands and delimiter character has to be different.

Action: User must select a different value for thousands and delimiter characters in the data load options. They cannot be the same character.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05747: Invalid data load option: Decimal character cannot be the same as the delimiter character.

Cause: Invalid data load option was selected. Decimal and delimiter character has to be different.

Action: User must select a different value for decimal and delimiter characters in the data load options. They cannot be the same character.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-05753: HsvDatasource for application {HFM_EXCLUDE}%0{/HFM_EXCLUDE} with a process ID of {HFM_EXCLUDE}%1{/HFM_EXCLUDE} on server {HFM_EXCLUDE}%2{/HFM_EXCLUDE} failed to start!

Cause: Hsvdatasource for given application has failed to start.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06115: Translation cannot be run until calculation is performed on the default value of the Entity.

Cause: User attempted to run translation on an Entity before calculating the default currency.

Action: User has to perform calculation on default currency of Entity before running translation.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06117: Duplicate member list names are not allowed.

Cause: Duplicate member list names were entered.

Action: User has to select unique member list names.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06199: The automatic-journal %0 is read-only and cannot be modified.

Cause: Automatic journal was readonly and could not be modified.

Action: Automatic journals cannot be modified by the user. These journals are generated during consolidation process.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06200: The value dimension specified for the journal %0 is invalid. Please select a valid Value dimension member.

Cause: Value dimension for journal was invalid.

Action: User has to select a valid Value dimension member for journals.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06248: The username provided is too long and cannot be saved.

Cause: Username was too long and could not be saved.

Action: User has to provide the username within selected limit and save.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06249: The parameter key provided is too long and cannot be saved.

Cause: Parameter key was too long and could not be saved.

Action: User has to provide the parameter key within selected limit and then proceed for save.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06250: Invalid {HFM_EXCLUDE}Extended Analytics{/HFM_EXCLUDE} template label. The label cannot be greater than 22 characters.

Cause: EA template label was invalid.

Action: User has to provide valid EA template label less than 22 characters.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06331: Failed to load database connection parameters from HIT registry.

Cause: DataSource has failed to load DB connections.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06332: Failed to load parameter {HFM_EXCLUDE}%s{/HFM_EXCLUDE} value from HIT registry.

Cause: DataSource has failed to read DB parameters.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06333: Failed to load database connection parameters from NT registry.

Cause: DataSource has failed to read DB parameters from registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-06965: Invalid record deletion was not run. Invalid record deletion is only run for Provisioning Managers.

Cause: Invalid record deletion was not run. Only Provisioning Managers can delete invalid records.

Action: User has to be a provisioning Managers to delete invalid records.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-07072: An invalid metadata attribute was specified.

Cause: Invalid metadata attribute was specified.

Action: User has to specify a valid metadata attribute.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-07141: Invalid member {HFM_EXCLUDE}"%0"{/HFM_EXCLUDE} for {HFM_EXCLUDE}%1{/HFM_EXCLUDE}

Cause: Invalid member was provided.

Action: User has to provide a valid member.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65536: An unexpected error has occurred.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65538: There is no registered cluster or server.

Cause: System was not able to find any registered server or cluster.

Action: Complete the system configuration and try again. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65541: The logged on user has not been authenticated.

Cause: User is not authenticated.

Action: Enter the user credentials on login screen and try again.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65542: The system cannot authenticate the user.

Cause: System is not able to authenticate the user.

Action: Make sure user credentials are entered correctly.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65543: Invalid SSO token.

Cause: Invalid SSO token was passed to the system.

Action: Login into the application again. If problem persists, contact application administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65544: Invalid CSS provider. No provider exists with specified name.

Cause: Invalid directory provider.

Action: Contact Application Administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65546: Invalid CSS identity.

Cause: User ID stored is incorrect. Possibly caused by deleted user.

Action: Correct the user assignment in the module and remove the invalid user identities.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65547: Invalid CSS group.

Cause: Group ID stored is incorrect. Possibly caused by deleted group.

Action: Correct the group assignment in the module and remove the invalid group identities.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65548: CSS configuration error.

Cause: System detected an error in determining the common security services configuration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65557: The system was unable to retrieve the HIT Registry instance.

Cause: System was not able to communicate the EPM System Registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65558: Invalid HIT Registry component object.

Cause: System was not able to retrieve information about a registry component.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65565: Initialization of "{0}" did not complete.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65566: Downloading the file "{0}" did not complete. Contact your administrator or check the error logs.

Cause: Unable to download the file from server.

Action: Contact Application Administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65567: Transferring the file "{0}" did not complete. Contact your administrator or check the error logs.

Cause: Unable to transfer the file to server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65575: The system was unable to retrieve the application parameter "{0}"

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65576: The system was unable to delete the application parameter "{0}"

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65578: The system was unable to retrieve user preferences for "{0}" on "{1}"

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65579: The system was unable to create temp files for loading {0}. Contact the administrator or check the error logs.

Cause: System was not able to create temporary files.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65587: The system was unable to display the dimensions.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check if metadata has been loaded. Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65588: The system was unable to display the member lists.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check if user defined rules are loaded. Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65589: The system was unable to list members.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65590: The system was unable to create the default POV because all dimensions must have at least 1 member. Check that loading metadata has occurred and you have sufficient security rights.

Cause: The system was unable to create the default POV because all dimensions must have at least 1 member.

Action: Check that metadata has been loaded and user has sufficient security rights. Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65591: The system was unable to create a default POV for this application.

Cause: The system was unable to create the default POV.

Action: Check that metadata has been loaded and user has sufficient security rights. Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65594: The system attempted to open application "{0}" to invalid module "{1}"

Cause: Unable to open the module in the application.

Action: Check if user's roles have been changed to the affect that last open module is not available for the user anymore. Check if any modules have been disabled by the administrator. User can set the open module to Document Manager and relogin.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65595: No valid logical Web app for component type "{0}" was found.

Cause: System was not able to find internal components in the system registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65596: No valid Web app for component type "{0}" was found.

Cause: System was not able to find internal components in the system registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65597: No valid component "{0}" was found.

Cause: System was not able to find internal components in the system registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65599: Invalid HIT Registry property.

Cause: System was not able to find internal components in the system registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65600: Invalid HIT Registry component type.

Cause: System was not able to find internal components in the system registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65601: The system was unable to retrieve journal periods.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65602: The system was unable to retrieve journals.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65603: The system was unable to retrieve journal details.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65604: There was an error reading document content for {0}. Check the error logs.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65605: The system was unable to retrieve journal template details.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65609: There was an error exporting data. Check the system error logs.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65610: The system was unable to retrieve documents.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65611: An error occurred creating the folder.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65612: An error occurred deleting documents.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65613: An error occurred adding documents to Favorites.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65614: An error occurred while removing documents from Favorites.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65615: The system was unable to retrieve document types.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65616: The system was unable to retrieve document file types.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65617: An error occurred while saving the document.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65618: The system was unable to retrieve security classes.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65620: An error occurred adding the journal groups.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65622: An error occurred retrieving the list of journal periods.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65628: An error occurred running the journal report.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65629: An error occurred retrieving the journals.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65630: An error occurred retrieving the list of journal templates.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65631: An error occurred retrieving the journal.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65632: An error occurred retrieving the journal template.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65633: An error occurred saving the journal.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65634: An error occurred saving the journal template.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65641: An error occurred enumerating the DSNs for extract. Check the system logs.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65645: An error occurred retrieving data on this page. Please close the page and retry.

Cause: System encountered an unexpected error while creating a temporary file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65646: A server error occurred validating the journal line item. Check the system logs.

Cause: A webservice error occurred validating the journal line Item. Check the system logs.

Action: A webservice error occurred validating the journal line Item. Check the system logs.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65649: An error occurred adding new row.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65650: No application exists to update the current module.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65653: The system was unable to delete data grid with ID {0}.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65654: An error occurred saving the data grid definition.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65655: An error occurred retrieving data grid definition for grid {0}.

Cause: Unable to retrieve the contents of the report definition.

Action: Contact application administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65656: An error occurred retrieving data grid page data for grid {0}.

Cause: Unable to retrieve data grid page.

Action: Contact applicatoin administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65657: The system was unable to process the data grid definition.

Cause: Unable to define grid definition.

Action: Contact application administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65661: An error occurred drilling to the member/dimension. Check the error logs.

Cause: Unknown error occurred while drilling to a member or dimension.

Action: Reattempt the scenario. If the error persists, contact application administrator.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65671: Failed to retrieve application dimension information for application {0}

Cause: Unable to retrieve dimension information.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65672: An error occurred setting up the Manage Ownership table. Invalid row size.

Cause: Row size for consolidation and ownership grid are different.

Action: Close the Manage Ownership page and reopen.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65673: An error occurred setting up the Manage Ownership table. Unable to retrieve default currencies for entities.

Cause: Unknown error occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65674: An error occurred retrieving the grid cell.

Cause: Grid cell indices are out of bounds.

Action: Close the grid or web form and try again.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65677: The selected Period is invalid and not in the selected scenario default frequency.

Cause: User has selected an invalid period.

Action: User should select a period which is in the default frequency of a scenario.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65689: One or more invalid parameters exist.

Cause: One or more parameters are invalid.

Action: Check the values passed as parameters for the actions. Potential arguments are sso token, application name.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65703: The system cannot complete this action because data is locked.

Cause: User has attempted to perform an action on locked data.

Action: User should unlock the data or have administrator unlock the data unit and perform the action again.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65704: You cannot promote a process unit to a level higher than any of its direct dependents. This can include the contribution total from a child, input currency for this entity or translated currencies for this entity.

Cause: User attempted to promote a process unit without promoting the children or dependent members of value dimension.

Action: Promote the dependent process units first.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65705: You cannot reject a process unit to a level lower than any of its immediate parents. This can include the input currency at an immediate parent, contribution total of an immediate parent or any of the translated currencies of the parent.

Cause: User attempted to reject a process unit without rejecting the children or dependent members of value dimension.

Action: Reject the dependent process units first.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65706: The system cannot complete this action because calculations, translations, or consolidations must be performed.

Cause: User attempted to perform an action that requires sub cube to be in OK status.

Action: Perform appropriate action Calculate, Translate or Consolidate first.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65707: Contributions need to be calculated for one or more parents.

Cause: User attempted to perform a process management task without having the contributions calculated.

Action: Calculate contributions to the parent by consolidating the parent and perform the process management action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65708: You do not have the proper security access to perform the requested task.

Cause: User does not have required security authorization.

Action: Contact application administrator to get assigned security roles required for the action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65709: The system cannot perform the requested action on the process unit because it is not at the proper review level.

Cause: Process Management status is at incorrect review level.

Action: Select the appropriate review level. You can only promote to a review level higher than curent status or reject to a review level lower than current level.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65710: The system cannot complete this action because the validation Account is not zero.

Cause: Validations put in place for the sub cube have failed.

Action: User should review the validation errors and resolve them first.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65711: The process unit is already at the requested level.

Cause: Process Management status is at the requested level.

Action: Choose a Process Management status higher than current level.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65712: Process Management is not supported for Entity [None].

Cause: Process Management is not supported for Entity member [None].

Action: Do not attempt to perform Process Management actions on Entity member [None].

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65713: The comment is too long; it must be less than 256 characters.

Cause: Comment entered is greater than 256 characters.

Action: Truncate the comment to less than 256 characters.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65714: You cannot perform process management for multiple cells when the Value dimension is specified on the grid and "Apply to all value members" is selected.

Cause: You cannot perform Process Management for multiple cells when the Value dimension is specified on the grid and \"Apply to all value members\" is selected.

Action: Select a single cell and perform Process Management operation.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65715: Process Management is not supported for Value dimension [None].

Cause: Process Management is not supported for Value member [None].

Action: Do not attempt to perform Process Management actions on Value member [None].

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65716: The system was unable to perform the requested task.

Cause: Unknown error occurred while performing a Process Management action.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65717: An unexpected error has occurred.

Cause: Unknown error occurred while performing a Process Management action.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65718: You cannot perform the process management action because the Validation Account is invalid. You cannot specify ALL as a top member for the validation Account.

Cause: Validation account has been assigned "ALL" as a top member for one of the custom dimensions.

Action: Validation accounts should be assigned a valid member from the custom dimension or left empty. If empty [None] member is valid for the validation account.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65719: Invalid 'From' email address format.

Cause: Incorrect email address format in the "From" field.

Action: Correct the "From" email address.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65720: Invalid 'To' email addresses format. Email addresses should be separated by a ';'

Cause: Incorrect email address format in the "To" field.

Action: Correct the "To" email addresses. Multiple emails should be separated with ";".

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65721: Invalid 'CC' email addresses format. Email addresses should be separated by a ';'

Cause: Incorrect email address format in the "CC" field.

Action: Correct the "CC" email addresses. Multiple emails should be separated with ";".

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65722: Invalid 'BCC' email addresses format. Email addresses should be separated by a ';'

Cause: Incorrect email address format in the "CC" field.

Action: Correct the "BCC" email addresses. Multiple emails should be separated with ";".

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65723: The system was unable to retrieve {0} property from Shared Services Product Registry.

Cause: System was unable to retrieve a property from Shared Services registry.

Action: Check the Shared Services registry report. If the property is not set, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65728: Description is limited to 255 characters.

Cause: Journal description entered is more than 255 characters.

Action: Modify the description of the journal to less than 255 characters.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65729: Invalid Journal label - has more than 20 characters, is empty, or contains invalid characters.

Cause: Invalid Journal label is entered.

Action: Modify the journal label. Journal cannot be more than 20 characters. Following characters are invalid for Journal label . + - * / # { } ; , @ ”.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65730: Invalid or empty application name.

Cause: Application name specified is invalid or empty.

Action: Use valid application name.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65742: Invalid Template label - has more than 20 characters, is empty or contains invalid characters.

Cause: Invalid Template label is entered.

Action: Modify the template label. Journal cannot be more than 20 characters. Following characters are invalid for Journal label . + - * / # { } ; , @ ”.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65756: The selected {0} member was not found or is blank.

Cause: User selected an invalid member for a dimension.

Action: Select a valid member for the dimension.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65758: The system was unable to retrieve the Web file transfer folder.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65822: The journal that you are trying to load has been deleted and cannot be processed. Refresh the Journals list.

Cause: Selected journal for processing is not valid.

Action: Refresh the journals grid and attempt to process again.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-65851: The system cannot retrieve the list of Intercompany transaction currencies. Check that the metadata load occurred.

Cause: Unable to retrieve Intercompany transaction currencies.

Action: Verify if metadata has been loaded. Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66011: No application server was found for Financial Management.

Cause: System was not able to find any registered Financial Management Server.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66022: The system was unable to find datasource in path:{0}.

Cause: System was not able to find the application.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66030: An unexpected communication error has occurred.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66090: Not enough disk space is available to proceed.

Cause: Unable to persist the information to the disk while writing to a temporary file.

Action: Contact application administrator. Delete unused temporary files or additional storage.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66093: The load file specified in CES was not found.

Cause: Unable to find the load file specified in CES action.

Action: Correct the load file path.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66096: An error occurred loading the table data.

Cause: Unable to load the data into table during application restore.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66097: An error occurred loading the table information.

Cause: Unable to load the data into table during application restore.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66098: An error occurred creating the table.

Cause: Unable to create the table during application restore.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66099: An error occurred creating the table index information.

Cause: Unable to create the table index information during application restore.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66100: An error occurred deleting the table.

Cause: Unable to delete the table during application restore or application copy.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66101: An error occurred inserting the table data.

Cause: Unable to insert data during application restore.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66104: An error occurred retrieving table information.

Cause: Unable to retrieve database table information when performing a backup.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66105: An error occurred retrieving table data.

Cause: Unable to retrieve database table data when performing a backup.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66107: {0} errors occurred when trying to perform the journal action: {1}

Cause: Multiple errors have occurred when processing journals action.

Action: Check system logs and take necessary corrective actions. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66117: Unique ID generation failed.

Cause: Unique file generation failed.

Action: Ensure File Transfer Folder is acessible and has enough disk space. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66148: An error occurred with the Backup Task, please check the log file.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66149: An error occurred with the Restore Task, please check the log file.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66150: An error occurred with the Duplicate Task, please check the log file.

Cause: Unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Check system logs for additional details. If problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66151: No Database components found for this product component.

Cause: System was not able to retrieve database configuration information.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66152: An error occurred in executing the query.

Cause: Unexpected database exception.

Action: Contact system administrator to check system logs.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66153: An error occurred in validating the profile, duplicate languages found in the profile.

Cause: Invalid information entered for languages in the application profile.


Level: 1


EPMHFM-66154: An error occurred in validating the profile, duplicate members found in the frequency.

Cause: Invalid information entered for frequencies in the application profile.


Level: 1


EPMHFM-66155: An error occurred in validating the profile, duplicate members found in the period.

Cause: Invalid information entered for periods in the application profile.


Level: 1


EPMHFM-66156: An error occurred in validating the profile, duplicate custom dimensions found in the profile.

Cause: Invalid information entered for custom dimensions in the application profile.


Level: 1


EPMHFM-66159: There are pending tasks (synchronous/ asynchronous) for this application. Unable to change to admin mode.

Cause: Application was attempted to be shutdown when there are pending tasks.

Action: Allow sufficient time for the pending tasks to complete and shutdown the application.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-66160: The system failed to shut down the datasource process for the application.

Cause: Unable to stop the datasource process.

Action: Contact system administrator. Datasource process may have be forced to kill using operating system functionality.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69043: The query is empty or query process did not complete.

Cause: Query argument cannot be null or empty for method HssQryPerformOperation.

Action: Query string formatted per ALE query should be passed.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69070: The data edge is not properly defined.

Cause: Invalid tuple, layer or property value passed in for HssQryGetEdgeCellPropertyEx method.

Action: Argument values are expected to be positive.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69071: The property is not properly defined.

Cause: Edge cell property requested is not valid for the method HssQryGetEdgeCellPropertyEx.

Action: Valid properties for edge cell are 0 to 2.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69072: The edge property is not properly defined.

Cause: Edge property specified is not valid for the HssQryGetDataSize method.

Action: Valid values for the edge property are 0 to 3.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69240: Unable to create application profile.

Cause: Unable to create application profile file.

Action: Check messages in system logs and take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69241: Unable to create rules file.

Cause: Unable to create rules file.

Action: Check messages in system logs and take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69242: Unable to create security file.

Cause: Unable to retrieve the security information from the metadata file.

Action: Check messages in system logs and take appropriate corrective action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69245: The system failed to load the metadata.

Cause: System was not able to load metadata.

Action: Check additional messages in the deployment result and take necessary corrective action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69254: Unable to transfer file from the server.

Cause: The system was not able to get the log file content from server.

Action: Check additional messages in the deployment result and take necessary corrective action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69255: The system failed to create the file.

Cause: System was not able to create necessary files for deploying EPMA metadata or Calc Manager rules.

Action: Check additional messages in the deployment result and take necessary corrective action.

Level: 1


EPMHFM-69542: Each dimension must be used only once.

Cause: POV slice has definition of a dimension in more than one instance.

Action: POV slice should be changed to use each dimension instance once and only once.

Level: 1
