Accessibility for Creating Books and Batches

Table 10-1 Shortcut Keys for Creating Books and Batches

Key Action
Left side with items to be added to the selected list
Down Arrow When on any node, select the next node below the current one. Selection does not wrap from the last node to the first.
Up Arrow When on any node, select the next node above the current one. Selection does not wrap from the first node to the last.
Page Up When on any node, move to the last visible node on the previous page; or, if there is no previous page, the first node on the current page.
Page Down When on any node, move to the first visible node on the next page; or, if there is no next page, the last node on the current page.
Left Arrow When on any node, drill up to the folder node (parent of the current node). When at the root node, nothing happens.
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow When on any node, enable navigation without changing the selection.
Ctrl+Space When on any node, select/clear the currently focused item.
Shift+Up/Down When on any node, select/clear a sequential list of items.
Ctrl+A When on any node, select all nodes.
Right Arrow When on a folder node, drill down into the folder and present contents.
Right Arrow When on any node except the folder node, add item to the selected list.
Right side with items in the selected list  
Down Arrow When on any node, select the next node below the current one. Selection does not wrap from the first node to the last.
Up Arrow When on any node, select the node above the current one. Selection does no wrap from the last node to the first.
Page Up When on any node, go to the last visible node on the previous page; or, if there is no previous page, the first node on the current page.
Page Down When on any node, go to the first visible node on the next page; or, if there is no next page, the last node on the current page.
Left Arrow When on any node, remove the item from the selected list.
Move Up/Down arrow image to change the item's order in the list  
Up/Down Arrow Select the item to move.
Tab to Up/Down Arrow Image Select an arrow to indicate whether to move the item up or down.
Space Bar Activate moving the item up or down.