Accessibility for Explore Tree and Explore List

Table 10-4 Accessibility for the Explore Repository Tree and the Explore Repository List

Key Action
Explore Tree
Up Arrow When on any node, select the node below the current one. Selection does not wrap.
Down Arrow When on any node, select the node above the current one. Selection does not wrap.
Page Up When on any node, move to the last visible node on the previous page; or, if there is no previous page, the first node on the current page.
Page Down When on any node, move to the first visible node on the next page; or, if there is no next page, the last node on the current page.
Right Arrow When on a folder node with a plus icon, expand the node.

When on a folder node with a minus icon, move to the next node.

Left Arrow When on a folder node with a plus icon, move up to the next expanded folder.

When on a folder node with a minus icon, collapse the node.

Arrow Keys (left/right/top/bottom) The built-in keys for moving around the Explore Repository and accessing different cells and rows in a grid or tree view.
Explore List
Up Arrow When on any node, select the node below the current one. Selection does not wrap.
Down Arrow When on any node, select the node above the current one. Selection does not wrap.
Page Up When on any node, move to the last visible node on the previous page; or, if there is no previous page, the first node on the current page.
Page Down When on any node, move to the first visible node on the next page; or, if there is no next page, the last node on the current page.
Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow When on any node, enable navigation without changing the current selection.
Ctrl+Space When on any node, select/clear the currently focused item.
Ctrl+A When on any node, select all nodes.
Shift+Up/Down Arrow When on any node, select/clear the sequential list of items.
Enter When on a folder node, drill into the folder.

When on any node except a folder node, launch the item.

Arrow Keys (left/right/top/bottom) The built-in keys for moving around the Explore Repository and accessing different cells and rows in a grid or tree view.

The following rules are applied when using the context menu key to display context menus in the Explore Repository:

  • If the left pane of the Explore Repository has focus, one of the following occurs:
    • If the mouse pointer is over the selected item, then the context menu is displayed for the selected item.
    • If the mouse pointer is not over the selected item, then no context menu is displayed.
  • If the right pane of the Explore Repository has focus, one of the following occurs:
    • If the mouse pointer is over the selected item, then the context menu is displayed for the selected item.
    • If the mouse pointer is over a blank area, for example not pointing to any items, then the context menu of the selected item in the left pane is displayed.
    • If the mouse location is over any other area, then the context menu is not displayed.