Administration Services Accessibility Features

Oracle recognizes the importance of making its products accessible to all users, including customers with disabilities.

Oracle Essbase Administration Services Console provides the following accessibility features:

  • All right-click menu items have equivalents in a menu on the console menu bar or through a button or other keyboard action. You can also press Shift+F10 to invoke a right-click menu on a selected object.
  • All menu items and dialog box/window controls have access keys, denoted by an underlined character (mnemonic), for all menus and menu items. To access a mnemonic, press and hold Alt + the letter that is underlined in the control that you want to select.
  • All tree structures, such as Enterprise View, are traversible and editable using the keyboard. To put a selected tree node in edit mode, press F2. If the node is a check box or a radio button, pressing F2 is equivalent to changing the status of the check box or radio button. For example, if the check box is selected, pressing F2 clears the check box.
  • All editable tables are traversible and editable using the keyboard. To put a selected field in edit mode, press F2.
  • All dialog boxes and windows provide a default focus.
  • All dialog boxes and windows provide a default action button, such as the OK button.
  • All dialog boxes and windows have a logical Tab order.
  • Scroll bars are accessible through tabbing, and the arrow keys or the Page Up and Page Down keys scroll up and down.
  • Tool tips describe all labels in dialog boxes, windows, and toolbars.
  • The help system provides accessibility features.

For more information about accessibility features for Java applications, see the Java Look and Feel site.