Financial Management Keyboard Equivalents

These sections describe the keyboard equivalents for Oracle Hyperion Financial Management applications by module.

To use shortcut keys, select Alt, then the keyboard shortcut, and then press Enter. For example, to view logged-in users, select Alt+i, then Enter.

For multiple selections, you can use Shift+F8. When this mode is enabled, you can move up or down the list of choices and press the spacebar to select multiple items, or press the spacebar again to deselect an item.

You can use Alt+Z as a shortcut key to go to the beginning of any page. You can also use Alt+Z to navigate to a floating frame when loading a page. In certain cases, when a page is refreshed as a result of an action, the focus goes to the top of the Financial Management content area. You can navigate using Tab or shortcut keys.

File Menu

Use these keyboard shortcuts from the File menu. Select File (Alt + f), then New (n), and then an option.

Table 9-1 File New Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Keys Action
g Data grid
f Data form
l Link
r Related Content
k Tasklist

For new System Reports, use these keyboard shortcuts from the File menu. Select File (Alt + f), then New (n), then System Report (s), and then an option.

Table 9-2 System Report Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Keys Action
j Journal
I Intercompany
d Data grid
t Intercompany Matching template
n Intercompany transactions
c Intercompany Matching by Account
m Intercompany Matching by Transaction ID

View Menu

Use these keyboard shortcuts from the View menu. Select View (Alt + v), and then an option.

Table 9-3 View Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Keys Action
m Advanced Mode

Administration Menu

These keyboard shortcuts are used in the Administration menu. Select Administration (Alt + a), and then an option.

Table 9-4 Consolidation Application Administration

Keys Action
d Manage Documents
f Manage Favorites
s System Messages
u Users on System
r Manager Servers and Applications
k Task Audit
t Data Audit
i Running Tasks
x Extended Analytics
c Copy Document Link
l Manage Taskflows
v View Taskflow Status
w Manage Smart View Providers
n Import Application
p Profile Editor

Navigating to the Application

Table 9-5 Application Navigation Shortcuts

Keys Action
Alt_z or Ctrl+F6 Tab iFrame- Main content area
Alt+q iFrame - Popups (when iFrame receives focus)
Alt+L Close popups
Alt+y Access contents of the selected tab page

Shortcut Keys by Module

Table 9-6 Users on System

Key Action
I Log out users
g Enable connections
o Disable connections
\ View disabled somponents
/ Enable (common for all rows)

Table 9-7 Manage Servers and Applications

Key Action
g Log out users
e Enable connections
s Disable Connections
I View disabled components
n Enable (common for all rows)

Table 9-8 System Messages

Key Action
I View system messages
[ Calendar start
] Calendar end
s Show Details
e Delete system messages
l Delete All system messages
+ Select All system messages
u Anchor tag for error details. Same for each row
\ Previous page
/ Next page
p Print Error Details page
l Close

Table 9-9 Running Tasks and popup menu

Key Action
I View Running Tasks
x Stop running task from popup menu
q Stop running task from popup menu
q From Running Task Log page, navigate to top
r Refresh
l Close

Table 9-10 Extended Analytics

Key Action
s Save template as
p Delete template
o Refresh template
c Create Star Schema
e Delete Star Schema
u Update Star Schema
s Save template
l Cancel

Table 9-11 Data Audit

Key Action
[ Start date
] End date
\ Previous
/ Next
Same as POV bar POV
I View
l Clear Log
x Export

Table 9-12 Task Audit

Key Actions
[ Start date
] End date
\ Previous
/ Next
I View
l Clear log
x Export
o OK in Task Audit Export page

Table 9-13 Load Security

Key Action
m Security file
l Load
k Back to Load Security

Table 9-14 Load Metadata

Key Action
m Metadata file
l Load
s Scan
k Back to Load Metadata
g Select All
q Delete All

Table 9-15 Load Member Lists

Key Action
m Member List file
l Load
s Scan
k Back to Load member Lists

Table 9-16 Load Rules

Key Action
m Rules file
l Load
s Scan
k Back to Load Rules

Table 9-17 Load Data

Key Action
l Load
s Scan
k Back to Load Data

Table 9-18 Load Journals

Key Action
m Journals file
l Load
k Back to Load Journals

Table 9-19 Load Intercompany Transactions

Key Action
l Load
s Scan
k Back to Load Intercompany Transactions

Table 9-20 Extract Security

Key Action
m Extract
k Back to Extract Security

Table 9-21 Extract Metadata

Key Action
m Extract
k Back to Extract Metadata
g Select All
q Deselect All

Table 9-22 Extract Member Lists

Key Action
k Extract

Table 9-23 Extract Rules

Key Action
k Extract

Table 9-24 Extract Data

Key Action
m Extract
k Back to Extract Data

Table 9-25 Extract Journals

Key Action
m Extract
k Back to Extract Journals

Table 9-26 Extract Intercompany Transactions

Key Action
m Extract
k Back to Extract Intercompany Transactions

Table 9-27 Application Tasks

Key Action
c Create application
r Register application
l Close
n Create Classic application: Navigate
a Create Classic application: Administer
c Classic Application Administration
c Consolidation Administration
c Create Classic application
d Delete Application
r Register Application
t Consolidation System Messages
o Consolidation users on system
v Manage Consolidation Servers and Applications

Table 9-28 Navigation task shortcut keys

Key Action
b Browser View Tree
0 (zero) Browser View List
j Project View
TAB key Views Navigate
Up and Down arrow keys Navigate through the Tree and List
Right and left arrow keys Expand and collapse the tree nodes
Spacebar Views: Select nodes

Table 9-29 User Preferences

Key Action
s Save
r Reset

Table 9-30 Member Selector

Key Action
o OK
l Cancel
\ Previous
/ Next
- (dash) Textbox selected value
k Textbox top name
g Dropdown selector
' (apostrophe) Description
= Filter
i Validate selected value
y Clear selected value
u Find previous value
v Find next value
Shift + { Move selected item up
Shift + } Move selected item down
x + Tab Tree
; + Tab List
' (apostrophe) f(x), Selects current POV member hierarchy
, (comma) Cur, Selects current POV member
Shift + ? Sort

Table 9-31 POV Bar

Key Action
! Scenario
@ Year
# Period
$ View
% Entity
^ Value
& Account
( Custom1
) Custom2
- Custom3
+ Custom4

Table 9-32 Calendar Tasks

Key Action
r Previous year
p Previous month
n Next month
x Next year
l Close calendar

Table 9-33 Data Grid and Data Forms Tasks

Key Action
For data grid: Space. Data Forms are activated by default. Activate
Right arrow. For Data Forms, right arrow and Tab. Move to next cell in a row
Left arrow. For Data Forms: left arrow, Shift and Tab Move to previous cell in a row
Down arrow Move to next row
Up arrow Move to previous row
Ctrl + Home - The Data grid works only on the displayed cells. Data forms work on all the data. Move to top left cell
Ctrl + End - The Data grid works only on the displayed cells. Data forms work on all the data. Move to right bottom cell
HOME First cell in a row
END Last cell in a row
PAGEUP First cell in a column
PAGEDOWN Last cell in a column
F2 Enter edit mode in a cell
Enter Finish editing and move one cell down
Tab Finish editing and move one cell right
Data Grids: F9 Access context menu
Data Forms: F9 Access context menu
Data Grids: unavailable Row header context menu in Linked form and preview form
Data Forms: w Row header context menu in Linked form and preview form
Data Grids: unavailable Column header context menu in Linked form and preview form
Data Forms: n Column header context menu in Linked form and preview form
Data Grids: unavailable Lines context menu in Linked form and preview form
Data Forms: o Lines context menu in Linked form and preview form

Table 9-34 Document Manager

Key Action
1 All
2 Tasklists
3 Data Forms
4 Data Grids
5 Report
6 Link
7 Related Content
8 Custom documents
l New folder
p Print
w New task list
w New data grid
w New data form
w New link
w New web form
w New report
i Edit
p Add to Favorites
e Delete
o Load
x Extract
q Show private documents
q Hide private documents
s Browse
m Load local reports: Select report
o Load local reports: Open
p Load local reports: Print
o New Folder: OK
l New Folder: Cancel
o Load Documents: OK
l Load Documents: Cancel
y Load Documents: Finished
x Load Documents: Load More Files
o Save Documents: OK
l Save Documents: Cancel

Table 9-35 Create Intercompany Reports

Key Action
w Print/Preview
m Save remote
s Save local
l Close
q Entity Selector
+ Add Entity Account
- Remove Entity Account
y Add Partner Account
x Remove Partner Account

Table 9-36 Create Explore Data Reports

Key Action
w Print/preview
m Save remote
s Save local
x View as XML
para View as RPT
l Close

Table 9-37 Report Options

Key Action
o Print report options: OK
l Print report options: Cancel
o Overrides for Intercompany reports: OK
l Overrides for Intercompany reports: Cancel
g Overrides for Intercompany reports: Entity selector
q Overrides for Intercompany reports: Partner selector
o Overrides for Journal reports: OK

Table 9-38 Favorites

Key Action
m Remove
l Clean

Table 9-39 Related Content

Key Action
i Resource document
v Select resource document
u Clear document
g Open document
k Select resource server
x Tree
y Client area
s Save
l Close

Table 9-40 Links

Key Action
w View
s Save
l Cancel

Table 9-41 Tasklists

Key Action
k Add to Tasklist
l Return to Tasklist
Shift + '+' (plus sign) Select All
s Manage Tasklist: Save
l Manage Tasklist: Close
u Manage Tasklist: Move up
w Manage Tasklist: Move down
k Manage Tasklist: Select list of tasks
m Manage Tasklist: This is my default tasklist
c, a Actions Menu: Add
c, r Actions Menu: Remove

Table 9-42 Data Grid Tasks

Key Action
a Cell Line Item Detail: Add
o Cell Line Item Detail: OK
l Cell Line Item Detail: Cancel
o Cell Information: OK
a Cell Text: Attach
t Cell Text: Detach
o Cell Text: OK
l Cell Text: Cancel
x Attach Documents: Attach
y Attach Documents: Cancel
1 Grid Settings: Layout
2 Grid Settings: Display Options
o Grid Settings: OK
l Grid Settings: Cancel
a Manage Process: Attach
t Manage Process: Detach
o Manage Process: OK
l Manage Process: Cancel
l Cell History: Close
l Source or Destination Transaction: Close window
r Entity Details: Refresh
l Close Entity Details window

Table 9-43 Process Intercompany Transactions - Main Window

Key Action
\ Previous
/ Next
g Entity
q Partner
u Update
+ Select All

Table 9-44 Process Intercompany Transactions - Actions menu

Key Action
c, a Alert
c, n New
c, e Edit
c, e, t Edit transaction
c, e, s Set reason code
c, d Delete
c, d, s Delete selected
c, d, a Delete All
c, m Match
c, m, a Auto match
c, m, m Manual match
c, m, u Unmatch selected
c, m, i Unmatch all
c, p Post
c, p, s Post selected
c, p, l Post all
c, u Unpost
c, u, s Unposted selected
c, u, l Unpost all
c, f Filter
c, f, c Column
c, f, r Row
c, r Report
c, r, i Report by ID
c, r, a Report by Account
c, r, t Report by Transaction

Table 9-45 Process Intercompany Transaction Tasks

Key Action
[ New/Edit: Calendar
w New/Edit: New
s New/Edit: Save
k New/Edit: Reset
l New/Edit: Close
I New/Edit: Pick members
s Set reason code
l Cancel reason code

Table 9-46 Manual Match Intercompany Transactions

Key Action
g Entity
q Partner
k Add Accounts
x Remove Accounts
e Add Matching Accounts
u Remove Matching Accounts
+ Select All Entity Accounts
- Select All Partner Accounts
m Match
s Save as Template
l Close

Table 9-47 Auto Match Intercompany Transactions

Key Action
g Entity
q Partner
k Add Accounts
x Remove Accounts
d Add Matching Accounts
u Remove Matching Accounts
+ Select All Entity Accounts
- Select All Partner Accounts
m Match
s Save as Template
l Close

Table 9-48 Unmatch Intercompany Transactions

Key Action
u Unmatch
l Close
k Select all
c Clear all

Table 9-49 Intercompany Transactions - Filter Columns

Key Action
u Restore defaults
l Close
k Display column list multiselect
e Selected column list multiselect
\ Add selected
/ Remove selected
p Move up
o Move down
c, s Actions menu: Sort options
c, s, n Actions submenu: No sort
c, s, a Actions submenu: Ascending
c, s, d Actions submenu: Descending
c, d Actions menu: Display options
c, d, l Actions submenu: Label
c, d, d Actions submenu: Description
c, d, b Actions submenu: Both

Table 9-50 Intercompany Transactions - Filter Rows

Key Action
4 Entity selector
5 Partner selector
6 Entity account selector
7 Partner account selector
8 Start Calendar
9 End Calendar
u Restore Defaults
l Close

Table 9-51 Intercompany Transactions - General Menu

Key Action
w Print/preview
m Save remote
s Transaction ID - General Save local
l Close
g Entity selector
q Partner selector
No access keys Display Options

Table 9-52 Intercompany Transaction Accounts

Key Action
w Account - General: Print/preview
m Account - General: Save remote
s Account - General: Save local
l Account - General: Close
g Account - General: Entity selector
q Account - General: Partner selector
No access keys Account - General: Display options
+ Add accounts
k Add Accounts checkbox
- Matching Accounts
x Remove Accounts
e Add Matching Accounts
u Remove Matching Accounts

Table 9-53 Intercompany Transactions - Setting Columns

Kay Action
u Restore defaults
l Close
k Display column list multiselect
e Selected column list multiselect
\ Add selected
/ Remove selected
p Move up
o Move down
c, s Actions menu: Sort options
c, s. n Actions menu: No sort
c, s, o Actions menu: Ascending
c, s, d Actions menu: Descending
c, d Actions menu: Display options
c, d, l Actions menu: Label
c, d, d Actions menu: Description

Table 9-54 Intercompany Transactions - Setting Rows

Key Action
4 Entity selector
5 Partner selector
6 Entity account selector
7 Partner account selector
8 Calendar 1
9 Cakebdar 2
u Restore defaults
q Close

Table 9-55 Intercompany Transactions Alert Options

Key Action
s Send Transaction Alerts
l Cancel Transaction Alerts

Table 9-56 Monitor Intercompany Transactions

Key Action
g Entity Search
u Update
1 (numeric) Process Status column
2 Lock Status column
\ Previous
/ Next
Shift + '+' (plus sign) Select All
c, t Action menu: Alert
c, u Action menu: Summary
l Close Monitor Summary window
l Close Monitor Detail window
p Open Intercompany Transaction Period
l Close Intercompany Transaction Period
s Save Period Settings
l Close Period Status
k Lock Intercompany Entities
u Unlock Intercompany Entities
Shift + '+' (plus sign) Lock or Unlock Intercompany Entities: Select All
l Lock or Unlock Intercompany Status: Close window

Table 9-57 Manage Ownership

Key Action
k Select All
I Fill
p Display Options
o Calculate Ownership
s Save
c Reset
o Display Options: OK
l Display Options: Cancel
c Calculate Ownership: Calculate
l Calculate Ownership: Cancel

Table 9-58 Copy Data

Key Action
c Copy Data
k Back to Copy Data
2 Clear Data
3 Delete Invalid Records
l Copy Data
! POV: Source Scenario
@ POV: Source Year
# POV: Source Period
! POV: Destination Scenario
@ POV: Destination Year
# POV: Destination Period
% POV: Copy Members Entity
& POV: Copy Members Account

Table 9-59 Clear Data

Key Action
1 Copy Data
2 Clear Data
3 Delete Invalid Records
c Clear Data
k Back to Clear Data
! POV: Scenario
@ POV: Year
# POV: Period
% POV: Entity
& POV: Account

Table 9-60 Delete Invalid Records

Key Action
1 Copy Data
2 Clear Data
3 Delete Invalid Records
d Delete Invalid Records
s Scan Only
k Back to Delete Invalid Records

Table 9-61 Process Control Tasks

Key Task
Same as data grids Process Control Window from Data Grid
a Process Control Window: Attach
t Process Control Window: Detach
x Process Control Window: Start, Promote, Sub mit, Approve, Publish, Sign Off, Reject
l Error condition popup: Close
s Error condition popup: Show Details
o Options: OK
l Options: Cancel
l Process Status Summary: Close window
u Validation Detail: Update
l Validation Detail: Close window
l Process Flow History: Close window
l Calculation Status Summary: Close window
o Non-Phased Submissions: OK
l Non-Phased Submissions: Cancel
o Phased Submissions Rows: OK
l Phased Submissions Rows: Cancel
2 Phased Submissions Rows: Columns
o Phased Submissions Columns: OK
l Phased Submissions Columns: Cancel
l Phased Submissions Columns: Rows
2 Phased Submissions Columns: Columns
Accessibility not supported Main Manage Submission Phases Page from Data Grids
o Show Unassigned Groups: OK
o Process Control Advanced Options: OK
l Process Control Advanced Options: Cancel

Table 9-62 Equity Pickup Tasks

Key Action
\ Previous
/ Next
1 Sort on Level column
2 Sort on Owner column
3 Sort on Owned column
4 Sort on %EPU column
5 Sort on Status column
c, f Actions menu: Filter
c, r Actions menu: Refresh
c, l Actions menu: Calculate
c, l, r Actions submenu: Run EPU
c, l, f Actions submenu: Force EPU
c, p Actions menu: Print Report
c, p, u Actions submenu: Full Report
c, p, i Actions submenu: Filtered Report
g Filter: Owner Search
q Filter: Owned Search
o Filter: OK
l Filter: Cancel
Accessibility is not supported for reports. Reports

Table 9-63 Data Forms - Main Form Page

Key Action
~ Main form: Read current POV
F2 Enter edit mode in a cell to enter cell text
c, s Actions: Submit
c, r Actions: Refresh
c, c Actions: Calculate
c, t Actions: Force Calculate
c, x Actions: Cell Text
c, i Actions: Instructions
c, p Actions: Print
c, m Actions: Import from Excel
c, 3 Actions: Export to Excel 2003
c, 7 Actions: Export to Excel 2007
s Linked form, Preview form: Submit
r Linked form, Preview form: Refresh
c Linked form, Preview form: Calculate
f Linked form, Preview form: Force calculate
t Linked form, Preview form: Cell text

Table 9-64 Data Form Suppression Options

Key Action
c, w Suppress Rows
c, w, n Suppress rows: None
c, w, d Suppress rows: Nodata
c, w, z Suppress rows: Zero
c, w, o Suppress rows: Nodata and Zero
c, w, i Suppress rows: Invalid
c, w, a Suppress rows: Invalid and Nodata
c, w, e Suppress rows: Invalid and Zero
c, w, r Suppress rows: Invalid and Nodata and Zero
c, n Suppress columns
c, n, n Suppress columns None
c, n, d Suppress columns Nodata
c, n, z Suppress columns Zero
c, n, o Suppress columns Nodata and Zero
c, n, i Suppress columns Invalid
c, n, a Suppress columns Invalid and Nodata
c, n, e Suppress columns Invalid and Zero
c, n, r Suppress columns Invalid and Nodata and Zero
c, o Suppress lines
c, o, n Suppress lines None
c, o, d Suppress lines Nodata
c, o, z Suppress lines Zero
c, o, o Suppress lines Nodata and Zero
c, o, i Suppress lines Invalid
c, o, a Suppress lines Invalid and Nodata
c, o, e Suppress lines Invalid and Zero
c, o, r Suppress lines Invalid and Nodata and Zero

Table 9-65 Data Forms - Line Item

Key Action
s Save
r Refresh
l Close
w New entry
e Delete row
c Clear row
Shift + '+' (plus sign) Select All
Up and Down arrows Move focus to cell on which the context menu is to be displayed and click F9

Table 9-66 Data Form - Cell Text

Key Action
a Attach
t Detach
o OK
l Cancel
l Cell Adjustments: Close window
o Cell Adjustments: OK

Table 9-67 Data Form Tasks

Key Action
o Properties: OK
o Import from Excel: OK
l Import from Excel: Cancel
u Import from Excel: File Browse
l Instructions: Close
l View Definition: Close

Table 9-68 Data Forms - New

Key Action
1 Properties
3 Columns
4 Rows
5 Details
6 Header
7 Script

Table 9-69 Data Form Properties

Key Action
s Save
r Reset
c Scan
l Preview
u Update
l Close
x Next
k Back
q POV: Searcg
q Columns or Rows: SearchCommon keys: see Properties module.
Common keys see Properties module. Details and Headers
p Script: Print
o Script: More
e Script: Less
p Script Print page: Print
l Script Close print page

Table 9-70 Process Journals Main Window

Key Action
+ Check all
L Anchor (common for all rows) Journal Label
w New
o Open
e Delete
I Filter
p Reports
c, s Submit
c, u Unsubmit
c, a Approve
c, r Reject
c, p Post
c, n Unpost
o New Journal window: OK
l New Journal window: Cancel
+ Open/Edit/New: Add row
y Open/Edit/New: Copy row
I Open/Edit/New: Paste row
m Select member
Select a cell and click F9 (only if journal is editable) Display context menu
w New
e Delete
s Save
x Reset
k Scan
p Print
l Close

Table 9-71 Journal Filters - Columns and Rows

Key Action
1 Column
2 Filter
o OK
l Cancel
3 Restore defaults
c Filter Rows: Select All
q Filter Rows: Entity search
p Filter Rows: Deselect All

Table 9-72 Journal Report Properties

Key Action
p Print/preview
m Save remote
s Save local
l Close
l Properties
2 Columns
3 Filter

Table 9-73 Journal Reports - Setting Columns

Key Action
p Print/preview
m Save remote
s Save local
l Close
l Properties
2 Columns
3 Filter
+ Repeat
t Totals

Table 9-74 Journal Reports - Setting Rows

Key Action
e Restore defaults
1 Properties
2 Columns
3 Filter
p Print/preview
m Save remote
s Save local
l Close

Table 9-75 Journal Templates

Key Action
1 Standard
2 Recurring
w New
o Open
e Delete
f Filter
r Reports
+ Check All
\ Anchor (common for all rows) - Link to journal labels
w New or Open: New
e New or Open: Delete
s New or Open: Save
x New or Open: Reset
g New or Open: Generate
p New or Open: Print
l New or Open: Close
+ New or Open: Add rows
y New or Open: Copy rows
i New or Open: Paste rows
m New or Open: Select members
Move the focus to any cell and click F9. New or Open: Enable context menu on line items

Table 9-76 Journals - Filter Columns and Rows

Key Action
e Filter Columns: Restore defaults
1 Filter Columns: Columns
2 Filter Columns: Filter
o Filter Columns: OK
l Filter Columns: Cancel
e Filter Rows: Restore defaults
1 Filter Rows: Columns
2 Filter Rows: Filter
o Filter Rows: OK
l Filter Rows: Cancel

Table 9-77 Journals - Manage Periods

Key Action
p Manage Periods: Open period
l Manage Periods: Close period

Table 9-78 Journals - Manage Groups

Key Action
g Add groups
m Remove groups
v Remove all
+ Select all

Table 9-79 Journals - New

Key Action
Up and Down arrows to select items Move focus to a cell on the context menu to be displayed and click F9.
Up and Down arrows to select items New Template: Move focus to a cell on the context menu to be displayed and click F9.

Table 9-80 Security - Users and Groups

Key Action
s Select Users and Groups: Search
w Show all
1 Select Users and Groups: Select
3 Select all
2 Select Users and Groups: Remove
3 Select Users and Groups: Remove all
g Help
k Back
x Next

Table 9-81 Security - Select Classes

Key Action
1 Select
3 Select all
2 Remove
4 Remove all
b Add
o Delete

Table 9-82 Security Assign Access

Key Action
s Save
l Cancel
t Set

Table 9-83 Security Alerts

Key Action
p Pivot
e Add Alert
r Remove alert

Table 9-84 Security Reports

Key Action
n Launch Security Reports
r Export Security Reports