Keyboard Shortcuts for Common Elements

Table 6-1 Accessing Actions Common to All Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
F1 Access help
Alt-K OK
Alt+C Cancel
Alt+R Refresh
Alt+W Browse
Alt+P Apply
Alt+L Close
Alt+D Perform Default action
Ctrl+Shift+E Set focus to Enterprise View
Ctrl+Shift+S Set focus to Messages
Ctrl+Shift+T Set focus to first Toolbar button within the frame
Ctrl+Shift+G Set focus to first global Toolbar button
Alt+Enter Double-click selected table cell
Ctrl+Enter Double-click selected tree node
Space bar Select or clear a checkbox, select a button, or activate a button, depending on context
F2 Edit a table cell or rename a tree node, depending on context
Ctrl+F4 Close an internal frame, such as Outline Editor
Ctrl+Tab Transfer focus from a table or text area
Alt+Down Arrow Expand list box contents

Table 6-2 Accessing Common Elements in Calculation Script Editor and Report Script Editor

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Ctrl+Shift+M Set focus to member tree