Keyboard Shortcuts for Dialog Box Elements

Table 6-68 Accessing Area-Specific Member Mapping Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+S Set focus to Source
Alt+T Set focus to Target
Alt+M Select Use member selection tool editing option
Alt+X Select Use text editor editing option
Alt+G Select Use inline editing option
Alt+D Delete selected member

Table 6-69 Accessing Define Generations Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+D Set focus to Dimensions
Alt+G Set focus to Defined Generations
Alt+R Revert to previous

Table 6-70 Accessing Replace in Outline Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+F Set focus to Search for
Alt+E Set focus to Replace with
Alt+W Enable or disable Match words only
Alt+S Enable or disable Match case
Alt+D Set focus to Select dimensions
Alt+T Set focus to Select alias tables
Alt+M Enable or disable matching text in member names
Alt+O Enable or disable matching text in formulas
Alt+U Enable or disable matching text in UDAs
Alt+N Find next match
Alt+R Replace
Alt+A Replace all

Table 6-71 Accessing Import Member Mappings Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+M Set focus to Mapping file
Alt+S Format Source column first
Alt+T Format Target column first

Table 6-72 Accessing Execute Report Script Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+B Enable or disable Execute in the background
Alt+N Enable or disable sending report to console
Alt+P Enable or disable sending report to printer
Alt+O Enable or disable sending report to an output file
Alt+F Find a report file

Table 6-73 Accessing Set Default Calculation Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+T Use calculation string
Alt+S Use calculation script

Table 6-74 Accessing Find External User Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+U Find by username
Alt+N Find by name
Alt+E Find by email

Table 6-75 Accessing Update Outline Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+T Use a file as a data source
Alt+S Use a SQL database as a data source
Alt+U Set focus to SQL user name
Alt+P Set focus to SQL password
Alt+F Find data file
Alt+D Delete selected item
Alt+L Use a rules file (select or clear checkbox)
Alt+R Find a rules file (if Use a rules file is selected)
Alt+E Set focus to error file name
Alt+O Overwrite existing error file (select or clear checkbox)

Table 6-76 Accessing Field Properties Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+G Select Global Properties tab
Alt+L Select Data Load Properties tab
Alt+B Select Dimension Build Properties tab

Table 6-77 Accessing Open SQL Data Sources Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+T Use SQL data source
Alt+O Use Oracle Call Interface (OCI) source
Alt+E Set focus to Server
Alt+P Set focus to Application
Alt+D Set focus to Database
Alt+I Set focus to Dictionary path
Alt+L Set focus to SQL statement - Select
Alt+F Set focus to SQL statement - From
Alt+W Set focus to SQL statement - Where
Alt+R Execute statement and retrieve data

Table 6-78 Accessing SQL Connect Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+U Set focus to User name
Alt+W Set focus to Password
Alt+S Select Essbase server
Alt+A Select Application
Alt+D Select Database

Table 6-79 Accessing Add Custom Filter Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcuts Action
Alt+N Set focus to Filter name
Alt+O Set focus to Text contains
Alt+A Select Application
Alt+D Select Database
Alt+U Select User
Alt+R Select Message number
Alt+S Enter Start date
Alt+E Enter End date
Alt+P Select Predefined duration
Alt+Y Select Message type
Alt+X Select X-axis
Alt+G Select Granularity
Alt+Y Select Y-axis
Alt+I Select Series

Table 6-80 Accessing Attribute Viewer Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+E Select Base dimension
Alt+T Select Attribute dimension
Alt+B Search by base member
Alt+M Search by attribute member
Alt+P Set focus to Name pattern
Alt+O Display only varying associations (enable/disable option)
Alt+A Add a rule
Alt+D Delete a rule
Alt+S Perform search

Table 6-81 Accessing Select Calendar Hierarchy Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+G Select Gregorian calendar type
Alt+R Select Retail calendar type
Alt+M Select Manufacturing calendar type
Alt+F Select Fiscal calendar type
Alt+I Select ISO calendar type
Alt+T Set starting week number in month
Alt+N Set ending week number in month
Alt+Y Select year starting on a week including a specific date
Alt+E Select year ending on a week including a specific date
Alt+S Select year starting on a week on a specific date
Alt+O Select starting month
Alt+W Select starting week number
Alt+D Select starting day number
Alt+U Month semantic rules - starting week number specified
Alt+B Month semantic rules - By Qtr-Month pattern
Alt+A Add linked attributes

Table 6-82 Accessing Create Group/Group Properties Dialog Box Elements

Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+G Set focus to Group
Alt+S Set focus to Oracle Essbase Server
Alt+I Select Group Info tab
Alt+U Select Users tab
Alt+C Select App/Db Access tab