Script Designer Keys

Table 2-4 Script Designer Keys

Task Accelerator Key
Script Designer
Action Menu, Save Ctrl+S
Action Menu, Save As Ctrl+Shift+S
Action Menu, Validate Ctrl+Shift+V
Action Menu, Validate and Save Ctrl+Shift+I
Action Menu, Export Ctrl+Shift+P
Script Component/Editor
Toggle line number display Ctrl+L
Member selector Ctrl+B
Member selector with range Ctrl+J
Function selector Ctrl+U
Variable selector Ctrl+G
Smartlist selector Ctrl+M
Edit template Ctrl+H
Design time prompt selector Ctrl+E
Trigger auto suggest Ctrl+Space
Trigger auto complete Shift+Space
Comment Ctrl+/
Uncomment Ctrl+Alt+/
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Cut Ctrl+X
Undo Ctrl+Z
Format Ctrl+Alt+O
Verify syntax Ctrl+Alt+S
Hide comments Ctrl+Q
Display comments Ctrl+W
Toggle wrap line Ctrl+Alt+T
Toggle code complete Ctrl+Alt+D
Move the focus to the Go to Line text box Ctrl+I
Move the focus to the Find text box Ctrl+Alt+F
Replace dialog Ctrl+Alt+R
Find next Ctrl+Alt+N
Find previous Ctrl+Alt+P