Tool Bar

Defines keyboard equivalents used in the Tool Bar for Oracle Hyperion Planning accessibility.

Table 11-48 Keyboard Equivalents for the Tool Bar

Keys Action
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+H Refresh the Grid
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+J Adjust Data function on Grid
Ctrl+K Lock and unlock cells on the Grid
Ctrl+M Mass Allocate
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+E Document Attachment
Ctrl+U Supporting Details
Ctrl+I Instructions
Ctrl+Alt+E Pie Chart View in Task List Status
Ctrl+Alt+G Gantt Chart View in Task List Status
Alt+R Previous Incomplete (In Task List Wizard)
Alt+I Next Incomplete (In Task List Wizard)
Alt+P Previous task (In Task List Wizard)
Alt+N Next Task (In Task List Wizard)
Alt+H Task List Status Home Page
Ctrl+Alt+C Focus on the Completed checkbox (if enabled) in Task list Wizard