About Deployment Metadata Artifacts

Deployment metadata artifacts contain physical server names and configuration information for the deployment. This information should not be migrated from one environment to another (for example, from Dev to Test). Migrating this data will corrupt the configuration information on the destination environment and will make the system unusable. The use case for exporting and importing deployment metadata artifacts is only for archiving configuration information in a version control system to monitor changes in the configuration.

You can use Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management to edit these types of deployment metadata artifacts:

  • Registration—Registration artifacts enable you to edit application configuration information on a given environment (for example, if updating a product from non-SSL to SSL, you must edit the callback URLs in the Registration instance files).

  • Oracle Hyperion Shared Services RegistryShared Services Registry artifacts enable you to view registry content and export registry data to the file system where it can be edited and reimported.


Do not use Lifecycle Management to migrate deployment metadata artifacts from one environment to another. Use Lifecycle Management to export deployment metadata artifacts to the file system; use a text editor to edit the artifacts; and then use Lifecycle Management to import the edited artifacts back into Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.

For a listing of deployment metadata artifacts, see Deployment Metadata Artifact Listing.