Editing Migration Properties

Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management uses migration properties to set the global parameters for migrations.

To modify the migration properties:

  1. Launch Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console.
  2. On the View pane, expand the Application Groups node.
  3. Under Application Groups, expand Foundation, and then Deployment Metadata.
  4. On the Artifact List tab, expand Shared Services Registry, then Foundation Services, and then Shared Services.
  5. Select the Properties artifact; then, right-click and select Export for Edit.
  6. In the File Download dialog box, save the Properties artifact to the desired location.
  7. Edit the migration properties as desired.
  8. Return to Lifecycle Management, right-click the Properties artifact used in Step 5, and select Import after Edit.
  9. In the Import after Edit dialog box, point to the file system where the edited Properties artifact is available.
  10. Restart Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.

Table 6-2 Migration Properties and Their Descriptions

Property Description

Allows Base64 encoding on top of UTF-8 encoding in Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application migrations.

This property is not supported if you are performing Financial Management migrations in a mixed-release environment (for example, using a previous release of Financial Management with this release of Shared Services). If you are performing a Financial Management application migration in a mixed-release environment, set this property to false.

Default value: true


Location of the directory where the exported applications are to be stored. This is the shared disk location if Shared Services is configured for high availability. To customize this parameter, uncomment this line and add a path location.

Default value: This parameter is commented out and the Lifecycle Management engine uses the default file system location on the Shared Services computer; for example, MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/import_export.

Note: To enable data migration across distributed environments, filesystem.artifact.path must be a shared path; for example, //servername/shared.

groupcount Number of artifacts that are migrated in a group.

This option is available for products that support migration in groups (Oracle Hyperion Planning, Financial Management, Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management, and Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition). Financial Close Management artifacts are always migrated in one group regardless of the size and count of the artifacts.

The default group count is 30. This means that artifacts are migrated in groups of 30. Based on data regarding types of artifacts, size of artifacts, and number of artifacts, this value can be changed to improve migration performance.

Default value: -1

MSR.PURGE.EARLIERTO.DAYS Administrative setting relating to Lifecycle Management migrations.

Any migrations older than this value are periodically purged when the Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services system is started, with the check running every 24 hours.

Default value: 30 days


Directory where the migration status and artifact estimation reports are stored.

Default value: ../reports ( MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/diagnostics/logs/migration/reports)

zip.threshold Maximum ZIP file threshold size.

If the size of export content exceeds this threshold, then the exported content is stored as a folder. This size should not exceed 1.8 GB. Any size bigger than this has browser and JDK limitations for ZIPand download.

Default value: 1.8 GB