Essbase Studio Artifact Listing

The artifacts displayed in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console vary by implementation.

About the Artifact Listing

Note the following about the artifact listing:

  • Artifact—Artifact name

  • Description—Artifact description

  • Last Modified Time—If this parameter is supported, reflects the time the artifact was imported. Some artifacts do not support the last modified time parameter.

  • Last Modified User—If this parameter is supported, reflects the user who last modified the artifact. Some artifacts do not support the last modified user parameter.

  • Editable on the File System—If yes, the artifact can be edited on the file system using a text editor. If no, the artifact can be edited only within the product.

Essbase Studio Artifacts

Oracle Essbase Studio artifacts are packaged into one artifact called Catalog under the Repository folder in Shared Services Console.

Table D-1 Essbase Studio Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Catalog Contains the dimensionality, hierarchies, data sources, folders, and all the artifacts within Essbase Studio. Yes Yes No None