Financial Close Management Migration Prerequisites

  • Install and configure Oracle Hyperion Shared Services and Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management and verify that they are running.

  • Ensure that users performing Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management operations are assigned the LCM Administrator and FCM Administrator roles.

  • Before migrating the Financial Close Management product-specific artifacts, migrate the Shared Services artifacts (users, groups, and provisioning). See Migrating Native Directory (Security). For a listing of Shared Services native directory artifacts, see Shared Services and Lifecycle Management.

  • For Close Manager, before migrating Integration Types, ensure that the following programs are up and running:

    • External asynchronous web services of any migrated system-automated Integration Types

    • Administration Server

    • Oracle SOA Suite Server

  • For Account Reconciliation Manager, Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition must be running and populated with data.

  • For Account Reconciliation Manager, Shared Services data such as Users and Roles must be imported before importing Account Reconciliation Manager data.