Profitability and Cost Management Artifact Listing

The artifacts displayed in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console vary by implementation.

About the Artifact Listing

Note the following about the artifact listing:

  • Artifact—Artifact name

  • Description—Artifact description

  • Last Modified Time—If this parameter is supported, reflects the time the artifact was imported. Some artifacts do not support the last modified time parameter.

  • Last Modified User—If this parameter is supported, reflects the user who last modified the artifact. Some artifacts do not support the last modified user parameter.

  • Editable on the File System—If yes, the artifact can be edited on the file system using a text editor. If no, the artifact can be edited only within the product. If NA, the artifact is not editable.

  • Dependencies—Lists artifact dependencies. For example, Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management Assignment rules artifacts also require that Profitability and Cost Management Stage definition artifacts be migrated.

Standard Profitability and Cost Management Model Artifacts

Table I-1 Standard Profitability and Cost Management Model Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
AssignmentRules A collection of member sets and optional filter sets for a single destination stage. These can be created and reused for multiple assignments that use the same parameters. Yes No N/A Stages
Drivers In a Profitability and Cost Management model, these calculate the value of the allocations. They provide the formulas for allocating source intersection values to destination intersections. Yes No N/A None
Model Model elements for a specific Standard Profitability model based on a selected POV. Includes the following model components:

AssignmentRuleSelections Define the flow of data from source to destination, where the destination is defined by mapping the source intersection to one or more destination assignment rules.

DriverExceptions Applied to drivers after a driver is created. Drivers must be associated with the single intersections to which they apply.

DriverRules Applied to drivers after a driver is created. Drivers must be associated with the driver dimension members to which they apply.

RegularAssignments Define the flow of data from source to destination, where the destination is defined by mapping the source intersection to a single destination intersection..

N/A No N/A POV, Stages
POV A version of a model for a selected snapshot, such as year, period, and status. Yes No N/A None
Preferences Settings that apply to the entire model. Preferences might include whether intrastage assignments are allowed or whether you can have multidimensional stages. Oracle Essbase connection information for a selected model is specified in the application preferences. Yes No N/A None
SmartViewQueries Queries data from Essbase cubes (ASO and BSO) Yes Yes No None
Stages In a Profitability and Cost Management model, the processes or activities within the model. Yes No N/A None

Detailed Profitability and Cost Management Model Artifacts

Table I-2 Detailed Profitability and Cost Management Model Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
AssignmentRules A collection of member sets and optional filter sets for the destination stage or for identifying sets within the source stage. Yes No N/A Stages, TableRegistration
CalculationConfig Available calculation operations, including bulk edit expansion and driver operation types.

Note: Oracle does not recommend importing or exporting the CalculationConfig artifact. Check with your administrator to determine whether this type of artifact is required.

Yes No N/A Processes
Drivers Available drivers in a Detailed Profitability model. The drivers calculate the value of the allocation, and provide the formulas for allocating source intersection values to destination intersections. Yes No N/A Preferences, CalculationConfig
Model Model elements for a specific Detailed Profitability model based on a selected POV. Includes the following model components:

CalculationRules Highest-level model definition artifact used to define allocations and calculation flow. Types of CalculationRules: Calculated Measures, Single Source Assignment and Multi Source Assignment.

AssignmentRuleSelections Define the flow of data from source to destination, where the destination is defined by mapping the source intersection to one or more of the destination assignment rules.

DriverExceptions Applied to drivers after a driver is created. Drivers must be associated with the single intersections to which they apply.

DriverRules Applied to drivers after a driver is created. Drivers must be associated with the driver dimension members to which they apply.

N/A No N/A Stages, Assignment Rules, Drivers, POVs
POV A specific version of a model for a selected snapshot, such as year, period, and status. Yes No N/A None
Preferences Settings that apply to the entire model.

Note: Oracle recommends that you set the preference to the correct value in the target system before importing an application. If the target system has a value set for this preference, it will not be overwritten on import.

Yes No N/A None
Processes The definition of the process defined for each type of calculation.

Note: Oracle does not recommend importing or exporting the Processes artifact. Check with your administrator to determine whether this type of artifact is required.

Yes No N/A Tasks
Scripts Custom SQL scripts stored in the HPM Product Schema in the HPM_SQL_SCRIPT table that are executed before or after calculation. N/A No N/A None
SQLTemplates The definition of the SQL issued to perform tasks within each calculation type.

Note: Oracle does not recommend importing or exporting the SQLTemplates artifact. Check with your Administrator to determine whether this type of artifact is required.

Yes No N/A None
Stages In a Detailed Profitability model, there is a Source Stage and a Destination Stage. Yes No N/A Preferences, TableRegistration
TableRegistration Registration and mapping of user-defined tables to a Detailed Profitability application. Defines the Source and Destination Tables for the application, and the Table Joins for any associated Lookup tables. N/A No N/A Preferences
Tasks The definition of the tasks performed for each type of calculation.

Note: Oracle does not recommend importing or exporting the Tasks artifact. Check with your Administrator to determine whether this type of artifact is required.

Yes No N/A SQLTemplates

Calculation Control Artifacts

Detailed Profitability and Cost Management applications use an advanced new construct called "calculation processes" to define how the model is calculated and to define certain other processing operations that are performed within the relational database. These "calculation control" artifacts are related to Driver Operation Types and Other Process Types. See "Advanced Calculation Options" in the Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management Administrator's Guide .

The following Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management calculation control artifacts are related to the calculation process definitions and administration:

  • CalculationConfig

  • Processes

  • SQLTemplates

  • Tasks

Modification of these artifacts is an advanced, undocumented activity that can be performed only under the direction of Oracle Support. It is therefore appropriate to export or import the calculation control artifacts only when directed to do so by Oracle Support. Unless Oracle Support tells you otherwise, when you export or import application artifacts using Shared Services Console, ignore these calculation process artifacts.

It is especially important to exclude these artifacts from your exports and imports when migrating an application across environments that may use different database platforms (such as Oracle or SQL Server) or different product versions. Deselect these artifacts before exporting to exclude them from your export files. If you are importing application artifacts from a previous export that contains any of these artifacts, be sure to deselect them before you import.