Shared Services Native Directory Migration Options

Migration Import Options

The following list describes Oracle Hyperion Shared Services import options:

  • Import Operation—Select an option:

    • Create—Creates users, groups, and roles if they do not exist in the target. If they exist in the target, the create operation fails. Augments group, role, and provisioning relationships.

    • Update—Updates users, groups, and roles. Replaces group, role, and provisioning relationships.

    • Create/Update—Attempts a create operation on each entity in the file. If the operation fails, an update operation is attempted.

    • Delete—Deletes the users, groups, and roles that are being imported. Deletes group, role, and provisioning relationships.


      To delete a deactivated user, the user must be activated first before it can be deleted.

  • Max errors before stopping import—Specify the number of errors allowed before the import process is stopped.

CSV Files

The import source files are CSV files.

The CSV file format is a tabular data format that contains fields separated by commas and enclosed in double quotation marks. Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management supports only Excel-compliant CSV files. The CSV files that Excel outputs differ from the standard CSV files:

  • Leading and trailing white space is significant.

  • Backslashes are not special characters and do not escape anything.

  • Quotation marks inside quoted strings are escaped with double quotation marks rather than backslashes.

Excel converts data before putting it in CSV format.

Conversions that Excel performs on CSV files:

  • Tabs are converted to single spaces.

  • New lines are always represented as "\n".

  • Numbers of greater than 12 digits are represented in truncated scientific notation form.

A separate CSV file is available for the following entities:

  • Users

  • Groups

  • Roles

  • Provisioning information

  • Delegated lists

Each section within a CSV file is identified by two mandatory lines: entity and header. The entity line is identified by a predefined entity name preceded by the # character. The header line follows the entity line. The header line is a comma-separated list of predefined attributes for the entity.

The order of attributes in the header line is insignificant. However, the data lines, which follow the header line, must present data in the order in which the header line presents attributes. If data is not to be specified, use a comma to indicate that a value is not to be set. The entity line, header line, and data lines provide the information required for processing.

Boundaries applied to create, update, and delete operations on CSV files:

  • Users, groups, and roles are processed one data line at a time.

  • Group members are processed with multiple data lines under one header and one parent group.

  • Role members are processed with multiple data lines under one header and one parent role.

  • User provisioning is processed with multiple data lines under one header and one group or user.

Error handling is based on the process boundaries. One error is counted for each failure in a process boundary.

See the sections below for sample CSV files and attribute information:

CSV File for Users

Sample CSV File for User
admin,Native Directory,admin,administrator,user,hss admin user,,"native://DN=cn=911,ou=People,dc=css,dc=hyperion,dc=com?USER",{SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=,true

In this sample, the user CSV file is used to create the user admin in Native Directory with the login name admin, first name administrator, last name user, description hss admin user, e-mail id, internal id "native://DN=cn=911,ou=People,dc=css,dc=hyperion,dc=com?USER", encrypted password {SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=, and active true:


Plain-text passwords specified in the CSV file are encrypted.

Table J-3 User Entity Attributes

Attribute Description and Example
User's ID

Example: admin

Optional: Name of the source user directory


User's login name

Example: admin

Optional: User's first name

Example: administrator

Optional: User's last name

Example: user

Optional: User description

Example: hss admin user

Optional: User's email address


The autogenerated internal identity of the user

Example: "native://DN=cn=911,ou=People,dc=css,dc=hyperion,dc=com?USER"

User's password

Example: {SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=

Indicates whether user is active (true) or not active (false)

Example: true

CSV File for Groups

Sample CSV File for Group

id,provider,name,description, internal_id
WORLD,Native Directory,WORLD,Contains all users,611

In this sample, the group CSV file is used to create the WORLD group in Native Directory with the group ID WORLD, description Contains all users, and internal ID 611.

Table J-4 Group Entity Attributes

Attribute Description and Example
Group identifier

Example: WORLD

Optional: Source user directory for the group


Group name

Example: WORLD

Optional: Group description

Example: Contains all users

The autogenerated internal identity of the group

Example: 611

Note: Do not modify the internal ID column data in the exported content.

CSV File for Roles

Sample CSV File for Role


In this sample, the role CSV file is used to create an aggregated role in with role id Viewer for product HP–11.1.1 (Oracle Hyperion Planning, version 11.1.1), role name Viewer, and description Viewer. Product type indicates the product to which the aggregated role belongs.

Table J-5 Role Entity Attributes

Attribute Description and Example
Role identifier

Example: Designer_rep

Product type (specified as product code-product version ) to which the role belongs

Example: HP–11.1.1

Role name

Example: Viewer

Optional: Role description

Example: Viewer

CSV File for Provisioning

Sample CSV File for Provisioning

Planning,hp–11.1.1,Provisioning Manager,pturner,testgroup

In this sample, the provisioning CSV file is used to create a role assignment for application name Planning. The role ID is Provisioning Manager, which belongs to product type HP–11.1.1. User pturner and group testgroup are provisioned with this role.

Table J-6 Provisioning Entity Attributes

Attribute Description and Example
The application to which the role belongs

Example: Planning

Product type (specified as product code-product version) to which the role belongs

Example: hp–11.1.1

Unique role identifier

Example: native://DN=cn=HUB:2,ou=HUB,ou=Roles,dc=css,dc=hyperion,dc=com?ROLE

Unique identifier of a user who is provisioned to the role

Example: pturner

Unique identifier of a group that is provisioned to the role

Example: testgroup

CSV File for Delegated Lists

Sample CSV File for Delegated List

#delegated list
testlist,testlist,my_list,admin,Native Directory,,testGroup,NativeDirectory
In this sample, the delegated list CSV file can be used to create a delegated list with list id and name testlist, and description my_list. User admin defined in Native Directory is the delegated administrator of this list, which allows admin to manage testGroup defined in Native Directory.

Table J-7 Delegated List Entity Attributes

Attribute Description and Example
The list identifier, typically the same as the list name

Example: testlist

Delegated list name

Example: testlist

Delegated list description

Example: my_list

Unique identifier of a user or group who manages the list. Each manager must be identified in a separate definition.

Example: admin

The user directory that stores the manager's account

Example: Native Directory

Unique identifier of a user member of the list. Each member must be identified in a separate definition.

Example: admin

The user directory that stores the user member's account

Example: Native Directory

Unique identifier of a group that is a member of the list. Each member must be identified in a separate definition.

Example: myGroup

The user directory that stores the group's account

Example: Native Directory