Copy POV Data

Use this operation to copy model artifacts and data from a Source POV combination to a Destination POV combination for Management Ledger applications. This operation is equivalent to the functionality supported by the Point of View Manager screen’s Copy POV Data control.

Table 3-7 Copy POV Data

Name Description
Action Type POST
Request URI http://{HostName}/profitability/rest/v1/applications/{applicationName}/povs/{srcPOVMemberGroup}/jobs/copyPOVJob/{destPOVMemberGroup}
Request Payload
  "type": "Profitability",
  "links": [
      "href": "",
      "action": "POST",
      "rel": "self",
      "data": {
        "isAllocatedValues": true,
        "isInputData": true,
        "createDestPOV": true,
        "isManageRule": true,
        "stringDelimter": "_",
        "isAdjustmentValues": true
      "href": "",
      "action": "GET",
      "rel": "Job status"
  "status": -1,
  "details": "LM1T2_LM1T2_CopyMLPOV_D20160113T065943_75b_1",
  "statusMessage": "IN_PROGRESS"
Process Type Asynchronous

Table 3-8 Request Parameters

Parameter Description Example
applicationName Application Name LM1T2
srcPOVMemberGroup Source POV member group 2023_January_Actual
destPOVMemberGroup Destination POV member group 2023_March_Actual

Table 3-9 Response Values

Parameter Description Example
details CES Task Id LM1T2_LM1T2_ClearMLPOV_D20160113T054651_746_1