1 About the Profitability and Cost Management REST APIs

You can use the Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management REST Web Services APIs to automate a variety of Profitability and Cost Management tasks. This API provides an alternative to using the web-based user interface for many operations.

You can use one of a variety of methods to access the Profitability and Cost Management REST API. For example, you can access the REST API through web browsers and other client applications such as cURL and GNU Wget.

Alternatively, you can use the these APIs in REST client applications that are developed in languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, Java, JavaFX.

REST API Response

Every API returns some or all of the following content.

Table 1-1 REST API response

Attribute Description Example
Type Product name Profitability
Items (Optional) List of objects returned by REST API List of applications, list of stages, and so on.

This information is displayed only when the list of objects is returned.

Status Status code returned by the REST API Status values

-1 - In Progress

0 - Success

1 - Error

Status Message Status message equivalent to Status  
Details String value returned by REST API CES Taskflow ID/Success Message in case of Success status

Error Message in case Error/Exception

Links Object representing URI of the invoked REST API Self Link: http://myServer.mydomain.com:19000/profitability/rest/v1/applications

Related Link job Status: http://myServer.mydomain.com:19000/profitability/rest/v1/applications/jobs/ChecktaskStatusJob/LM1T2_LM1T2_DeployCube_D20160113T065447_b64_1