About EPM Oracle Instance

The EPM Oracle instance is defined when Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products are configured. This guide refers to the EPM Oracle instance location as EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE. The default location for the EPM Oracle instance is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1. By default, Oracle Hyperion Planning utilities are installed in the EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/Planning/planning1 directory, and Planning .log files are written to the EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/planning directory.

Debug messages for Planning utilities (for example, ProvisionUsers, ImportSecurity, and ExportSecurity) are logged to a log file called PlanningCLU.log that is generated under C: \Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\diagnostics\logs\planning. The debug level can be modified in the loggingCLU.xml file located under C:\Oracle \Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\Planning\planning1.