About Runtime Prompts

When launched, business rules can prompt users for such variables as members, text, dates, or numbers. Prompts should be specific and tell users what type of data is expected. For example:

  • Select a month.

  • Enter the expected number of customer visits per quarter.

  • What percentage change in earnings do you expect next month?

If, in Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager, the option Create dynamic members is selected for the business rule and the parent member is enabled for adding dynamic children as described in About Dynamic Members, then users can create new members by entering their name in the runtime prompt.

When launching business rules with runtime prompts, Oracle Hyperion Planning validates the value entered, but not the business rule. To set the default member selection in a runtime prompt, see Setting Business Rule Properties. To understand how other settings and conditions affect runtime prompts, see Understanding Runtime Prompts.

By default, the values for processed runtime prompts in the application are stored in the database and available for viewing from the Job Console (select Tools, then Job Console). If many users are running business rules with runtime prompts, tracking these values consumes significant system resources. To improve performance, you can turn off this function so Planning does not capture runtime prompt values. To do so, add the CAPTURE_RTP_ON_JOB_CONSOLE property to the properties table, with the property value of FALSE (to turn it back on again, change its value to TRUE). See Setting Application and System Properties.