Creating Data Sources

Each Oracle Hyperion Planning application requires its own data source that points to a separate relational database. If you create a new data source and associate it with an existing relational schema that is used by another application, the application creation process will overwrite the relational tables for the previously created application.

To create data sources for application administration, enter the data source name and description, select a relational database, and specify details for the relational database and Oracle Essbase server. The relational database and Essbase server password information is stored as encrypted. You can also set the application to Unicode mode. Unicode-mode applications support multiple character sets. When Essbase works with Unicode-mode applications, it uses the UTF-8 encoding form to interpret and store character text. Character-based artifacts in Unicode-mode applications, such as member and alias names, can include characters from different languages. For more information, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

To create data sources for application administration:

  1. In the Planning Application Wizard, click Manage Data Source, and then under Actions, select Create. See Setting Up Applications Using Planning Application Administration. Within Planning, you can also select Administration, then Manage Data Source, then click Actions, and then select Create.
  2. Enter the data source name and description.
  3. Specify these application database details:
    • Database—Relational database

    • Server—Server hosting the database

    • Port—Port (for default ports, see Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here)

    • Service Name or SID—Oracle service name or SID (for example, orcl)

    • User—Database username

    • Password—Database password

  4. For advanced users only: Optionally, create the data source using a custom URL instead of the information in the Server and Port fields. Click Custom, and then enter the URL for the data source in Connection URL.

    For detailed information on configuring the database with the EPM System Configurator and examples of URLs, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

    Entering a custom URL overrides previous connection settings for server and port. To remove the custom URL and return to the previous server and port settings, clear the Custom check box. If Oracle RAC configuration is being used, the RAC details must be provided in Custom URL during Planning data source creation.

  5. Click Validate, and fix any issues that are noted.
  6. Specify these Essbase server details:
    • Server—Server name (If the default port number Essbase Agent port was changed to another number during configuration, the Oracle Essbase server must have the format ServerName:newPortNumber. For example, if the port number was set to 1400 during configuration and the server is run locally, the server name uses this format, ServerName:1400.)

    • User—Server username

    • Password—Server password

    • Optional—To set the application to Unicode mode, select Unicode.

      For more information, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

  7. Click Validate, and fix any issues that are noted.
  8. Click Save.