Specifying Plan Types

Specify one to three plan types for the application. A separate Oracle Essbase database is created for each plan type. You cannot delete a plan type or change the plan type name after creating an application.

As you create accounts, entities, and other elements of the application, you associate them with plan types, so the database for each plan type contains only information relevant to the plan type. This optimizes application design, size, and performance.


You can specify up to three generic plan types for an application. If you select one block storage plan type during application creation, then you are allowed to add two more from the plan type editor for a total of three.

Oracle Hyperion Planning allows up to three generic plan types total and one aggregate storage database for each block storage database plus one additional aggregate storage database for consolidation purposes.

To select plan types:

  1. In the Planning Application Wizard, click Plan Types.
  2. For each plan type in the application, select the Plan Type and specify a plan name.

    You must select least one Planning plan type. You can have up to three Planning plan types, and names can contain up to eight characters. (Although it is possible to enter more than eight bytes using single-byte and double-byte characters, an error message displays when the Essbase database is created.)

  3. If you are creating an aggregate storage plan type, select ASO1, and then specify an application name.


    Essbase requires a separate application for each aggregate storage database.

  4. Click Next to review application information and create the application.