Working with Attributes

Use attributes to group members using the same criterion. You can assign attributes to sparse dimensions only. You cannot assign attributes to label-only members. Attribute dimensions do not have aggregation properties because parents are dynamically calculated.

The Account dimension is usually defined as dense, so you cannot assign attributes to it unless it is changed to sparse for all plan types. If you change a dimension from sparse to dense, all attributes and attribute values for that dimension are automatically deleted.

Attributes can have data types of text, date, Boolean, and numeric, as described in Understanding Attribute Data Types. Attribute names must conform to guidelines listed in Naming Restrictions. When attributes are defined, you can use the Member Selection dialog box to select attribute functions, such as Equal and GreaterOrEqual.

To create and change attributes, attribute values, and aliases:

  1. Select Administration, then Manage, then Dimensions.
  2. Select a sparse dimension for which to define an attribute, attribute value, or alias.

    Only sparse dimensions can contain attributes.

  3. Select the top level in the dimension hierarchy, and click Edit.
  4. In the Dimension Properties dialog box, click Custom Attributes.

    If the dimension is not sparse, Custom Attributes is not available.

  5. Select options.
    • To create attributes, click Create. Type an attribute name, and select a data type: Text, Date, Boolean, or Numeric. See Understanding Attribute Data Types. You cannot modify the data type after the attribute is created.

      Plan type options are available for Entity dimension attributes only. You cannot change this setting after the attribute is created.

    • To modify attributes, click Modify, and update the attribute name.

    • To set aliases for attributes, select an attribute and an attribute value, click Alias. Select an alias table, type an alias name, and click Close.

  6. Click Close.

    When you click Close, the hierarchy is validated and an error displays if issues are detected. For example, date attribute values must be entered in the correct format, and numeric and date attribute dimensions must have at least one attribute value defined.

  7. Update and validate business rules and reports.