Copy Version Error


After using Copy Version with a large number of members selected, this error displays: An error occurred when running specified calc script, please check logs for details. The log for the Web application server contains this message: com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspOlapException: The length of the calc script exceeds the maximum allowed length.


Copy Version uses a calculation script, and Oracle Essbase limits the size of calculation scripts to 64K. If the limit is reached while copying a large number of members, Copy Version can fail. To avoid this, select fewer members to copy with Copy Version. See theOracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide and Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Guide.

To prevent a failed Copy Version, estimate how many members you can successfully copy. The script uses member names, so you must consider the number of members and the length of member names. If each member is an average of 10 characters, fewer than 6,400 members can be copied. The script also includes syntax characters, such as the calculation script command and a comma for each member name. Assuming a calculation script command length of 500 characters, you can use this formula:

(Number of members * Average length of member names) + Number of members + 500 <= 64,000