Creating Master Composite Forms

You can design composite forms that have one master form and multiple simple forms. When you do so, the selection of members in the master form automatically filters to the members in the simple forms, and the simple forms show only the details that are relevant to the members highlighted in the master form.

For example, assume that a user is looking at a new computer line item in a form and wants to see the cash flow impact from this line item. In this scenario, you could design a composite form that includes the following forms:

  • A master form called "New Computers" that contains the following dimensions and members:

    • Entity: MA

    • Scenario: Plan

    • Version: Working

    • Currency: Local

    • Year: No Year

    • Period: Beginning Balance

    • Asset Class: Computers

    • Line Item: Base SP1

  • A simple form called "Cash Flow Impact".

In the master composite form, the user highlights the row Computers/Base SP1.

Figure 6-1 Master Composite Form: "New Computers"

Example of a Master Composite Form

The simple form, "Cash Flow Impact" is filtered to show only the data that is relevant for the members highlighted in the master composite form, "New Computers": Computers, Base SP1, Plan, Working, and MA.

Figure 6-2 Simple Form: "Cash Flow Impact"

Example of a Simple Form that is tied to a Maser Composite Form

To designate a form as a master composite form:

  1. Open the composite form, and then click Layout.
  2. Right-click the form, and the select Tag as Master Composite Form.

    Master Composite Form icon indicates that the form is a master composite form.


The master composite form applies to the entire composite form. So, for a composite form, there can be only one master form across all its sections.

To filter the data in a simple form (or forms) that is relevant to the data in a master composite form, right-click the master composite form and select Apply Context.