Editing Currencies

To edit currencies:

  1. Select Administration, then Manage, and then Dimensions.
  2. Select Currency.
  3. Select the currency to edit.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Modify properties:
    • To select from the predefined symbols, select one from the Select from Predefined Symbols drop-down list.

    • To change the currency’s symbol, for Symbol, enter or select the symbol.

    • For Scale, set how to enter and display the currency.

    • For set currency precision (the number of digits to the right of the decimal place), select a number from 1 to 10 from the Precision drop-down list.

      None is the default.


      Administrators can override this setting for forms. See Setting Form Precision and Other Options.

    • To specify the currency as a reporting currency, select Reporting Currency.

      See Working with Multiple Currencies.

    • For Thousands Separator, select how to display the thousands separator (it must differ from the decimal separator).

    • For Decimal Separator, select how to display numbers with decimal values (it must differ from the thousands separator).

    • For Negative Sign, select how to display negative numbers:

      • Prefixed Minus: -1000.

      • Suffixed Minus: 1000-

      • Parentheses: (1000)

      • Use Default Setting: Apply the display setting for the currency (see Creating Currencies).

    • For Negative Color, select the display color.

  6. Click Save.