Deleting Members

Each data value is identified by a set of dimension member values and a plan type. Deleting dimension members or deselecting the plan type results in data loss when refreshing an application. Deleting entity members deletes all planning units (including data) associated with them.


Before beginning this procedure, perform a backup. See Backing Up Applications and Application Databases and the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Backup and Recovery Guide.

Before deleting members, understand where in the application they are used (in which forms, planning units, exchange rates, and so on) by using Show Usage.

You must delete the entity member throughout Oracle Hyperion Planning before deleting it from Dimensions. For example, if the entity member is used in a form, you must delete it from the form before deleting it from Dimensions.

When deleting a large subtree of entities, you can improve performance if you first exclude planning units for the subtree (by excluding the root member) for all scenarios and versions. See Review Process.

To delete members:

  1. Select Administration, then Manage, then Dimensions.
  2. Select the dimension whose member you want to delete.
  3. From the dimension hierarchy, select the entity member to delete.
  4. Click Delete.

    Deleting a base member also deletes its shared members.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Update and validate business rules and reports.