Editing Exchange Rate Tables

The default currency and triangulation currencies are available as destination currencies. You can enter exchange rates from source currencies to the default or triangulation currencies. You enter conversion values between the default currency and all the currencies defined in the Exchange Rates page. Exchange rate tables span all application time periods, so you can apply exchange rates to all scenarios. When creating or modifying exchange rate tables, you must refresh the application to store them in the plan types.

If you modify a currency’s triangulation currency, you must re-enter exchange rates for the triangulation currency property and refresh the application to transfer and store the exchange rates. You cannot select the application’s default currency as a triangulation currency.

When you input exchange rates for converting from one currency to another, you can select Multiply or Divide as the calculation method.

To edit exchange rate tables:

  1. Select Administration, then Manage, then Exchange Rates, select the table to edit, then click Edit.
  2. In the Rate Table tab, select options.
  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Exchange Rate tab, set options:

    Table 4-1 Exchange Rate Table Options

    Option Description

    To Currency

    The currency for which to enter conversion rates (the default currency or a triangulation currency).

    Show Years

    The time periods displayed (by default, the current application year).

    Rate Table Name

    The name of the exchange rate table (display only).


    Multiply or Divide, the mathematical operator that determines how values are calculated between the source and destination currencies.


    For all time periods, the exchange rate for accounts whose Exchange Rate Type is set to Historical. The account’s Data Type must be set to Currency. Historical is typically used for balance sheet account types. A historical exchange rate may reflect a calculated rate over time, a rate for a point in time before the application’s calendar, or a rate that was in effect when an event occurred.


    The value of balance sheet accounts. There is one beginning balance time period, the first time period in the application. Rates for the Beginning Balance time period are populated for each year in the application. Scenarios that do not include the first year of the application can include a Beginning Balance time period.


    For time periods, the exchange rate for accounts whose Exchange Rate Type is set to Avg, or Average. Avg is typically used for Revenue and Expense account types, or for Saved Assumption account types whose Time Balance is set to Flow. The account’s Data Type must be Currency.


    For time periods, the exchange rate for accounts whose Exchange Rate Type is set to Ending. Ending is typically used for Asset and Liability account types, or for Saved Assumption account types whose Time Balance is set to Balance. The account’s Data Type must be Currency.


    After entering values, fill in the value throughout the current year or all years in the table. For example, if you enter a value for Avg in the Jan11 cell and select Fill Year, the value is spread to all the months in 2011. If you select Fill Table, the value is spread to the months for all the years included in this exchange rate table. To fill in values, enter a value for Avg or End, right-click the cell, and select Fill Year or Fill Table.

  5. Click Save.