Generating a Data Load File

When loading data with the Outline Load utility, you can specify driver members in the load file and run the utility with the /TR option.


You can also load to driver members that are specified on the Oracle Hyperion Planning Data Load Administration page.

Generate a comma-separated or tab-separated data load file containing these columns:

  • Driver Member: The member into which data is loaded. You can have one driver dimension per load. Multiple members can be defined for the driver dimension. The value is passed as a string representing a numeric value, or, if a Smart List is bound to the member, as a Smart List value.

  • Point-of-View: All other dimensions required to determine the intersection for which to load the data. (If you are using /TR, include all of the members except the driver member.) The data load automatically performs cross-product record creations based on the dimension parameters in the point of view (POV). The load file creates and loads the data record for each relevant cell intersection. The value is passed as a string. The POV accepts a comma-separated list of members, including member functions. For example, children(Q1) is expanded to Jan, Feb, Mar during the load. The corresponding records are generated based on the cross product of all member combinations and the data value.

  • Data Load Cube Name: The name of the plan type to which data is being loaded. The value is passed as a string. Values include any plan types specified in the application, such as Plan1.

Example 1: In this example, Account was selected as the Data Load dimension on the application's Data Load Administration page. Period was selected as the Driver Dimension, and Jan was selected as the Driver member.

Account,Jan,Point-of-View,Data Load Cube Name

Example 2: In this example, Entity was selected as the Data Load dimension on the application's Data Load Administration page. Account was selected as the Driver Dimension, and Account members aUnspec, aSmart, aDate, and aText were selected as the driver members. This load file loads data into the intersection of e1, the point of view, and the Account driver members, aUnspec, aSmart, aDate, and aText.

Entity,Operation,Data Load Cube Name,aUnspec,aSmart,aDate,aText,Point-of-View
e1, ,Plan1,77,smart1,12-22-2008,textValue,"USD,Jan,Current, BUVersion_1, FY07"

Assuming these values for the driver members:

  • aUnspec: Data Type Unspecified (numeric), value 77

  • aSmart: Data Type Smartlist,value smartlist entry ‘smart1’

  • aDate: Data Type Date,value 12-22-2008

  • aText: Data Type Text,value ‘textValue’

If DIRECT_DATA_LOAD is set to False, the example would generate this data load file:

    Currency  Version  Scenario  Year  Entity  Period  Account  HSP_Rates 
77  USD  BUVersion_1  Current  FY07  e1  Jan  aUnspec  HSP_InputValue
1  USD  BUVersion_1  Current  FY07  e1  Jan  aText  HSP_InputValue
20081222  USD  BUVersion_1  Current  FY07  e1  Jan  Date  HSP_InputValue
1  USD  BUVersion_1  Current  FY07  e1  Jan  aSmart  HSP_InputValue 

Example 3: Specify drivers directly in the load file.

Value,Driver Member,Point-of-View,Data Load Cube Name
OutlineLoad /A:acpt1 /U:admin /M /I:c:\outline1data.csv /TR /L:c:/OutlineLogs/outlineLoad.log /X:c:/OutlineLogs/outlineLoad.exc

To add comments to a load file, see Comments in Load Files.