Using Grid Diagnostics

Grid diagnostics allow you to view the time it takes to open forms and ad hoc grids. You can select whether to view the load times in chart form or tabular form, and you can select on which forms and grids to run the diagnostics. This helps you to identify forms with poor performance and address design issues in forms.

To use grid diagnostics:

  1. Log in to a Oracle Hyperion Planning application.
  2. Select Tools, then Diagnostics, and then Grids.
  3. Select the forms on which you want to run the diagnostics and click Run Diagnostics.

    A pie chart is displayed in Diagnostics Summary that shows the percentage of load times for forms and ad hoc grids that are greater than five seconds, between one and five seconds, and less than one second.

  4. Click on a section of the pie chart to display more detail about a specific load time in the Display area under Diagnostics Summary

    For example, clicking Load Time (Greater than 5s) on the pie chart displays details about the forms with load times greater than five seconds in the Display area.

  5. Once you have selected the load time detail to display, select whether to display the information in Tabular format or as a Chart.

    If you select to display the load times as a chart, select the chart type: Area, Horizontal Bar, Bar, or Line.