
This function compares strings and returns the following numeric values (1, 2, or 3) when it meets the conditions described below:

  • 1, if the source string is present in the target string

  • 2, if the source string is not present in the target string

  • 3, if the source string or target string are null


@HspStringCompareArray(SrcString, trgtStr[]
Parameter Description
SrcString The source string.
trgtStr[] The target string array.


This example checks if "Unspecified Element" is present in descendants of the "Salary Grades" parent in the Element dimension in a Oracle Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting application HCP plan type.

@HspStringCompareArray(@name("Unspecified Element"),@name(@DESC("Salary Grades")));

This returns a 2, since "Unspecified Element" is not present in "Salary Grades".