ImportFormDefinition Examples

Define members on each axis of the form appropriately and define import options correctly because this affects which data is imported.

To import only rows that contain data for the specified columns:

  1. In Oracle Hyperion Planning, specify the form columns (for example, Descendants Inclusive of YearTotal).

  2. For the dimension for which to import members to the row, add the dimension root to the form design.

    For example, to load accounts on the row, place the Account dimension root on the form's row.

  3. When you run ImportFormDefinition, use these options: /AR /-AC

Accounts are loaded from the data file if members from each dimension making up a cell match members on the form columns, pages, and Point of View. The added rows are filtered by members on the page. For example, if you place some members on the page, only accounts that contain data for those members are added to the form. Rows are filtered by the members on the Point of View. If the data file contains data for the salary account for 2008, but only 2009 is on the Point of View, the salary account is not added to the row although it exists in the data file.