Maximum Number of Applications Already Connected or Database is Locked


You are using DB2 as your relational database, and you receive either of these messages when you try to create or refresh the database:

  • … maximum number of applications already connected

  • Database is locked …

By default, the MAXAPPLS parameter is set to 40.


Increase the number of applications allowed by increasing the MAXAPPLS parameter.

To increase the MAXAPPLS parameter:

  1. In Control Center, right-click the database and select Configure Parameters.

    Alternately, you can set the parameter from the DB2 window.

  2. Set the MAXAPPLS parameter, using this format:

    db2 -v update db cfg for database name using MAXAPPLS n

    db2 -v terminate

    where database name is the name of the relational database and n is the number of applications that can be connected simultaneously. For example, to increase the number of maximum number of applications that can be connected simultaneously to 100 for a database named Business, specify:

    db2 -v update db cfg for Business using MAXAPPLS 100

    db2 -v terminate